~.+Healing Bruises+.~

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(Y/N) yawned as she headed downstairs into the common room. A new day of Hogwarts had started, and she had to get ready for yet again, another Potions class. But she was much more conifdent than last time, since she had been getting lessons from Tom ever since the first day they met.

It was nice having a friend in Slytherin, considering that everyone always made fun of her whenever she hung out with Lily and Molly. It wasn't that she disliked her Gryffindor friends; it was just because she felt lonely whenever they took different classes.

As she wore her Slytherin robes and went outside, she saw Tom walking past her, not seeming to notice her staring at him as he walked away. What was even more strange was that he had come from the direction where the girls bathroom was. What was he doing there? Or perhaps he was just passing by, and this was merely a coincidence.

Yeah. A coincidence.

(Y/N) scuttled after him to head to Potions. As she entered the gloomy classroom, she noticed that the seat next to Tom was empty for once. She hesitated, but sat next to him after a few seconds of thinking.

Tom didn't turn to look at her, and just stared at the blackboard which was at the front of the classroom. Then, a few Slytherin girls came marching to their seat, and they glared at (Y/N) with jealousy written on their faces.
"Why are you sitting with Tom?" she hissed, her tone high and squeaky.

(Y/N) held back a laugh. She didn't want to fight and get in trouble, so she sighed and prepared to stand up. But Tom grabbed her wrist and pulled her back down on her seat, making her face slightly flush red. The Slytherin looked at the two with envy.

"(Y/N) was here first, so she has no reason to leave." Tom said. His voice wasn't blunt. Instead, it was firm and commanding. The Slytherin girls whined and sulked as they went to find another seat. (Y/N) gently removed her wrist from Tom's grip, and smirked at him.

"Enjoying your popularity, Riddle?" she chuckled, meeting Tom's steady gaze. Tom shrugged. "Popularity is exhausting. Also...Why were you going to leave this seat?"

(Y/N) blinked her (E/C) eyes at his unexpected question.
"Just 'cause I didn't want an unnecessary argument. Not having much friends in Slytherin is bad enough, but having enemies? Even worse."
Tom nodded and turned his head to stare at the blackboard once again.

"I see."

The Professor then entered and started to teach them about Potions like he had always did. (Y/N) could understand a lot more thanks to Tom's tutors, but there were still a few things that she couldn't quite catch. Professor Slughorn showed them the ingredients required for brewing the Invigoration Draught.

Tom had taught her this before, so she knew exactly how to make it. Well...hopefully she remembered it right.

(Y/N) took a few Alihotsy leaves and put it into the cauldron, while Tom watched her brew the potion carefully. He was probably testing her to see if she had payed attention to him when he taught her how to brew the potion in his tutoring lessons.

It took quite a while, but she managed to finish the potion with some Lovage, and started to mix it. The potion ended up having a colour of both orange and blue, which was a sign that she had brewed the potion correctly.

(Y/N) turned to grin at Tom, who just nodded as they met eyes. Professor Slughorn walked towards them and laughed happily as he saw their potion.

"Well done, Tom! You never seem to disappoint!" he clapped. But Tom looked up to stare at his Professor.
"Actually Professor, it was (Y/N) who brewed up this potion. I merely watched her brew it." he explained, his voice charming and calm.

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