7 | White Wedding Cake

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At the local precinct, one detective and a private investigator hired by the Jeon family were looking into the results of fingerprints taken off the mysterious package Jungkook had received

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At the local precinct, one detective and a private investigator hired by the Jeon family were looking into the results of fingerprints taken off the mysterious package Jungkook had received.

"Results are in and let's hope that the prints are of value," the detective announced to the PI.

The fingerprints were classed as latent prints as they weren't visible. They hoped that the guilty party left perhaps oil from their skin or sweat. A chemical called ninhydrin was used to try to capture the prints. This chemical caused the latent prints to turn a purplish color and the prints were photographed.

The results were now going to be run through their database. If they were unsuccessful, then they had a guy that could run the prints through the FBI database.

There were zero matches. They had hit a dead end.

The detective was highly disappointed. He had also been experiencing sleepy nights as his job was starting to emotionally drain him. This favor he was doing for Jeon Seojun was taking away time from his actual profession and important casework.

Typically, he worked in special investigations dealing with sex crimes. At the moment he was leading a group of detectives to catch two main ring leaders in the sex trafficking business in Manhattan. These groups were highly skilled at not getting caught. They ran semi-legitimate front businesses to hide their sex trafficking ring.

The city of New York was notorious for lax laws in the area of prostitution. That made being a sex worker as a contractor, a legit business to the locals because there were nearly no arrests each year for a person selling their body for money. This very aspect of not taking prostitution seriously caused the sex trafficking industry to flourish. For these reasons, the lead detective was infiltrating the two main agencies that offered escorting services to the famous and rich of Manhattan.

But meanwhile, the detective, along with the PI needed to find the person harassing Mr. Jeon Jungkook.

Jungkook received the news from his father that the fingerprints were on the box itself but that the precinct found no matches.

"So what are we going to do Dad?" He was now a little worried. Even though his dad was hard on him and ruthless at business, he seemed to always be instrumental in fixing his problems and keeping him safe. But this could be the time he couldn't.

"Well for now you just don't worry and keep safe. Act normal. I don't want the public to know there is a small crisis. They will blow it out of proportion," Seojun answered.

He continued, "Also, your boyfriend's gun was run through and he's legit. He purchased it five years ago and he's clean. He poses no danger. I know you're pleased to hear that."

"Absolutely." And he really was. What would he do without Taehyung? He had been his personal for just a short time but he depended on him. The sex was simply amazing. On another level type of amazing. Taehyung is also the master of aftercare. Jungkook never allowed personals to stay over five minutes after sex. But he seemed to hate when Taehyung left him. He was starting to think that he wanted more than sex. Maybe Jimin was right. He and Taehyung were turning into a cliché Hallmark movie.

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