Unknown factor

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When calliope was born Fiona and Mary were in the dark about it- they didn't know anything or meet her until she was 7 years old. Lola had something to do with that.

She convinced Fiona's father, Leon, not to tell Fiona and her mother, and threatened to hurt herself and the baby if he did.

It wasn't that hard to believe they didn't know, since they never left the cold palace ever- they were outcasted from the social world and people never showed up to them. They only had a couple of servants and themselves.

It was a surprise to Fiona to hear that she had a little sister and was going to meet her for the first time- she was scared because of her stepmother, but secretly she was excited to have someone her age around.

Hello Fiona, my name is calliope

After they met they started hanging out a lot, to Lola's dismay, thinking they'd hate each other, they became close to each other and inseparable

After they met they started hanging out a lot, to Lola's dismay, thinking they'd hate each other, they became close to each other and inseparable

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But after a couple of years, Fiona would change

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But after a couple of years, Fiona would change

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