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"How the fuck can he have another base!" Clementine shouted.

"Keep your voice down! I haven't told anyone else." Javier sighed.

"This is just great." Violet said sarcastically.

"We need to go back." Clementine said.

"Back where?" Brody asked.

"Back to Carvers base." Clementine said.

"Are you fucking crazy?" Javier asked.

"Have you a better idea?" Clementine asked.

"Yeah we stay here and pray that they don't find us." Javier said.

"Great plan." Violet said sarcastically.

"No, we need to go back. See if they found out Carvers dead yet. Or see if he has any other bases." Clementine sighed.

"No, we're not doing that Clem. I will throw you into a cell and lock you up if i have too you're not going back." Javier said.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Clementine asked.

"You're in bad enough shape as it is. How many close calls have we had of you nearly dying!" Javier said, raising his voice.

"Seem to be doing alright so far." Clementine said.

"We are not going." Javier argued.

"Try and fucking stop me Javi." Clementine growled.

"You are not leaving!" Javier shouted while slamming his hands down on the table.

"Woah, woah calm down!" Brody interrupted.

Javier turned his back to them and ran his hands through his hair.

"Clem's right Javi. We need to do something." Violet said.

"I know, I know!" Javier sighed. "But every time we do something, you nearly die!" Javier said while pointing his finger at Clementine.

"There he goes again." Violet mumbled under her breath.

"Well im not dead yet!" Clementine said.

"It's just a matter of time with the way you're fucking acting!" Javier shouted.

"Fuck you." Clementine said coldly while walking out.

She slammed the door shut behind her, Brody and Violet jumped to the sudden noise.

"Nice going Javi." Violet said sarcastically while walking out.

Violet saw a glimpse of Clementine before she walked into the school. Violet ran after her.

"You guys seen Clem?" Violet asked the group.

"She went upstairs, don't think she's too happy." Marlon said.

"Yeah i know." Violet said while following Clementine.

She soon found Clementine in a classroom upstairs.

"Im going." Clementine said, not wanting to hear anything more about it.

"I know. There's no stopping you." Violet shrugged. "But you can't just go in there with no plan."

"I don't have much to work with." Clementine said.

"Javi will come round. He just doesn't want to lose you, none of us do." Violet said.

"But we can't sit here and wait on him to make a decision. We need to go soon." Clementine sighed.

Violet nodded. "You should go back and talk to him, we'll sort something out."

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