Chapter Twenty-One: Building Bridges, Bridges Burning

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The royal courier bowed in deep reverence before King Prathios as Elithin materialized at the king's right side.

Lily studied every face in the crowd but not one held the obvious contempt and loathing as Elithin's. By comparison, she was certain that the looks she had received from Elithin were warm hugs.

She leaned closer for a better view. The king appeared unshaken. Then Elithin's voice boomed across the throne room. "State your name and purpose before King Prathios of Kai'lym."

The courier slowly rose and directed his answer at the king as if there weren't dozens upon dozens of ears waiting to hear him speak. "I am Relin, a humble servant of Thathis. I bring a message from my beloved Queen Sarjendra, The Winged Mother."

King Prathios remained silent but lifted a bony finger.

Elithin then spoke, "What is the message?"

"First, the Winged Mother offers you a token of friendship." Relin tossed back his cape like a folded wing and presented the staff on bended knee while holding it aloft for all to see. "This is the staff of Inarldris Verakis, the Mediator of Kings, your shared ancestor. A gift to you, mighty King Prathios."

The crowd inched closer to get a glimpse of the staff.

Lily recalled Inarldris Verakis from a story King Prathios had shared with her. In a time of war between Kai'lym, Thathis, and Lomnar, he had brokered a peace treaty between the three kingdoms. A peace that endured to this day. The staff was made of oak and at the base of the hooked end were encrusted a pearl for Lomnar, an onyx for Thathis, and a sapphire for Kai'lym.

The courier slowly stood and spoke, "Our Winged Mother also bids you, and your kin, an invitation to enjoy the hospitality of Thathis. With what message do I return to my queen?"

 With what message do I return to my queen?"

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"What was the king's answer?"

It was late into the night and Lily sat across the desk from Landros, resting her hands on top of her cane. "He accepted Inarldris's staff, but ordered the courier to return tomorrow for his answer."

Surprisingly, when Lily had knocked on Landros' door earlier, he'd opened it. A clear sign that his strength was returning. The food tray was nowhere to be found, and Landros ushered her in with a begrudged rush.

She shifted her hands, feeling uneasy at sharing the news of the courier with the prince. As if she was betraying King Prathios. It was nothing that Landros wouldn't find out on his own the moment he set foot outside the room, she told herself. If there was one thing that Lily quickly learned from living in the palace, it was how fast gossip spread.

"It is curious," Landros continued, "that none of our scouts reported seeing the courier cross our borders. The sulkan they ride are unmistakable."

Lily's eyebrows bunched with a lack of recognition. "What is a sulkan? I've never seen one."

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