Chapter Fifteen: Court and Common

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News that Lily was to attend the king's court brought her eyebrows to her hairline. "I've never been to a king's court. Won't I stand out? What exactly happens there?"

Ybieth chatted excitedly about attending the king's court as she prepared Lily in the early morning. Strands of hair and braids, masterfully arranged by Ybieth's deft fingers, covered Lily's rounded ears from sight as she donned an olive-colored frock that had been altered from Thia's wardrobe.

"Do not worry, my lady. Dozens upon dozens of elves will be in the throne room each for their own particular reasons for being there. Many more will fill the halls and steps, but all will be focused on the petitioners. The king holds an open court, like the one today, once a month. It is then that any petitioner can make a claim or have a dispute settled without formally requesting an audience."

"Are the other royal members of the house expected to be there?" The thought of running into Duchess Ysel flipflopped her stomach.

"Princess Kiethia and her mother are sure to be there about, attending to diplomats and chatting up other noble houses. Prince Valdor is usually hiding to avoid the courtesans and Prince Landros has not deemed it worthy to appear in half a year. A shame since he is to be king." Ybieth finished by putting the last pin on her hair.

The possibility of meeting up the duchess did not ease Lily's queasiness, but if there were as many people as Ybieth claimed then perhaps it could be avoided. "What does one do at court?" They were out of her bedroom the moment the last lace of her dress had been tied and her light over coat had been belted.

Ybieth smiled mischievously setting the pace, "Gossip, of course. It is the best source of news throughout the kingdom. Everyone will be talking about the Autumn Twilight Celebration. It is only a few weeks away. Merchants, acrobats, minstrels, actors and performers of all kinds will appear before the king in hopes of gaining his favor. One sign of approval from His Majesty, and people's fortunes can change."

"I suppose the same can be said if he disapproves." Lily muttered softly, however there was something else that had gotten her attention. She struggled to find a way to ask without raising suspicion of her ignorance of the holiday. "Uhm, how do elves celebrate the Autumn Twilight?"

"It is certainly different than what you'd expect at a human festival, my lady. The first day is spent fasting until the sundown feast with family and prayers are said over the harvest. We do not exchange seeds as is custom in many of the human nations."

"Of course, of course." Lily pretended to be familiar with the custom. "And then? What happens on the following day, er, night?"

"Then, we fast and feast again, just as you do. On the second night as twilight begins, flames will be lit to honor the goddess and to remember what and who we have lost in the past year. After the fires are lit, many will take to the rivers to admire the shimmering lights throughout the city. It's truly beautiful, my lady. In the final night, there is a great masquerade ball. Is that the custom in your homeland?"

Wracking her head trying to think of an appropriate response, she wet her lips. "It's something similar." She answered nervously.

But Ybieth was not done explaining the rituals of the day. "Then there is the courting during the king's open court."

"Courting?" They were entering a different part of the palace that Lily had not even known existed.

"Yes, my lady." Ybieth's eyes glistened with dreams of one day finding love and her voice was wistful. "Prospective couples use this day to get to know one another and other couples further along in their courtship showcase their upcoming union. But it is nothing like the courting during the Autumn Twilight Festival ball. It is quite the spectacle."

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