Euronymous ( Rory Culkin) / In the dark hides love

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Topic: Euronymous and Y/N meet at a concert and soon they spend every second together until they admit their feelings in the woods

(This is only dedicated to the movie lord of chaos and not based on the real Øystein btw.)


In the darkened corridors of the Norwegian music scene, a tale of passion and creativity unfolded. Øystein Aarseth, better known as Euronymous, a founding member of the influential black metal band Mayhem, crossed paths with a woman who would change his life forever. Her name was Y/N, a mysterious and enigmatic soul who was drawn to the allure of darkness and music.

She had always been captivated by the intensity and raw power of Mayhem's music. She saw in Euronymous a kindred spirit—a tormented artist seeking to push boundaries and create something truly groundbreaking. Little did she know that their paths would intertwine in a way that would ignite flames of both love and chaos.

One fateful evening, Y/N attended a Mayhem concert in Oslo, it was one of their first ones. As the band took the stage and unleashed their sonic assault, she found herself lost in the swirling maelstrom of sound. Amidst the chaos, her eyes met Euronymous's gaze, and in that moment, a connection was forged—a connection that went beyond the music.

After the show, she decided to approach Euronymous, her heart pounding in her chest while they loaded their equipment into their truck. She spoke of her admiration for his work, their shared passion for the macabre, and the desire to create something truly extraordinary. She couldn't help but compliment the unique and dark performance, describing it as if the underworld and taste of death fulfilled her soul in happiness. Euronymous, intrigued by her unwavering dedication, invited her to join him to his place. His eyes locked with hers and he looked down her frame, judging her appearance even further. His orbs couldn't hide the attraction he felt towards her and gladly she accepted his invitation.

They hit it off instantly and that night they shared all their thoughts and dreams of death, Satan and the dark hiding inside the souls of the two. It was like they were the same person, agreeing in all topics and as if they found some sort of soulmate. As the night found to an end Euronymous and Y/N exchanged numbers to stay in contact and so the next days they shared over text, calls and he would even invite her to get a taste of their unreleased soundtracks. With admiration she would eagerly listen to his passionate unique guitar riffs, her eyes following his slender pale hands placed on the instrument.

Days of spending together turned into weeks, and Y/N became an integral part of Mayhem's inner circle. She poured her creativity into the band, infusing her own dark melodies and haunting lyrics. Øystein was grateful to be in presence of her words and thoughts as he enjoyed every second of her attention. Her presence inspired Euronymous, pushing him to explore new territories and redefine the boundaries of black metal.

Under the cover of dawn, in the woods Euronymous and Y/N found themselves alone, their hearts heavy with unspoken desires, as they ran through the forest with no certain goal except for being free. The both of them felt heartaches almost as in sync because of their shared longing to finally admit to their feelings. The air crackled with tension as their eyes met, both realizing that the time had come to reveal the depths of their feelings, finally deepen their bond while overstepping the line of just being bandmates. They both came to an halt as she opened her mouth, thinking about how to phrase her words. Y/N, her voice trembling slightly, whispered,

"Øystein, there's something I need to tell you."

Her eyes, shimmering with a mix of nervousness and affection, bore into his soul. A wave of anticipation washed over them, their breaths mingling in the charged atmosphere. With a surge of courage, Y/N reached out, her hand gently cupping Euronymous's cheek. Her touch ignited a spark that traveled through both of their bodies, a current of electricity pulsing between them.

Leaning closer, their lips barely brushing, they indulged in the sweetness of the moment. Unexpectedly soft and tender, their kiss deepened, their mouths melding together in a symphony of passion and longing. The world around them faded away as they surrendered to the intensity of their emotions, their souls intertwining in an unbreakable bond.

Their kiss spoke volumes, a language of desire and understanding that words could never convey. With every breath they shared, the weight of their unspoken affections dissolved, replaced by a shared understanding that their hearts beat as one, not only for satanic black metal but for each other.

Time seemed to stand still as they explored each other's lips, a dance of fire and ice. They lost focus of their surrounding and so they tripped, falling to the ground in addition they lied between the green leaves of the forest. Their bodies pressed closer with Øystein on top of her, an embrace born from a connection that surpassed mere physical attraction. In that moment, their souls entwined, finding solace and completion in each other's presence, the kiss still going as they didn't care about anything else in the world right now.

As their lips reluctantly parted, they remained locked in a silent embrace, their foreheads resting against each other's. His hair was hanging in her face yet it wasn't bothering her at all. She raised her hand, not breaking the eye-contact while doing so, and brushed his strand of hair behind his ear to get an even better look of his facial features. Their eyes, now filled with a newfound clarity, mirrored the depth of their emotions.

"I love you, Øystein"

She whispered, her voice carrying the weight of a thousand emotions.

Euronymous, his eyes brimming with tenderness, replied, "And I love you, Y/N. You've awakened something within me that I thought was lost forever." His words admitted that he warmed up inside, feeling like he hasn't in a long time. He always claimed to have no friends in addition from pushing any feelings away, however he couldn't ignore the emotion of feeling drawn to her or the way he longed for her lips to meet his.

Their words hung in the air, sealing their connection with an invisible bond. In that moment, they knew that their love was a force to be reckoned with—a flame that would burn brightly, defying the darkness that surrounded them.

But as their love blossomed, so did the dark forces that surrounded them. Jealousy and resentment seeped into the hearts of some of their fellow bandmates. They couldn't bear the thought of Euronymous sharing his creative spotlight with anyone else, especially a girl who could potentially kill their image of being cruel and heartless.

The tensions reached a boiling point one night when Mayhem's rehearsal session took a tragic turn. A violent confrontation erupted between Euronymous and the enraged jealous Varg, resulting in Euronymous's untimely death. Devastated by the loss, Y/N was left shattered, her dreams of creating something extraordinary ripped away from her.

In the aftermath, she retreated from the music scene, consumed by grief and anger. But deep down, she knew that she had to carry on Euronymous's legacy. With the fire of vengeance burning in her heart, she picked up her guitar and began to weave together her own dark symphony.

Y/N formed her own band, channeling her pain and rage into every note. She dedicated her performances to Euronymous, vowing to honor his memory by pushing the boundaries of black metal even further. Her talent and dedication garnered attention, and soon her music resonated with fans worldwide.

In the end, Y/N's journey was one of resilience and determination. She rose from the ashes, carrying Euronymous's spirit within her as she forged a path of her own. Their love, although short-lived, had ignited a spark that would burn eternally in the annals of black metal history.

And so, the legend of Euronymous and Y/N would forever be entwined—a tragic and powerful tale of love, creativity, and the unyielding pursuit of musical darkness.

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