Dave Mustaine| nursing

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I was supposed to watch a movie at the cinema with my boyfriend Dave but I cancelled plans last minute because I felt sick this day. At first he was mad but when he heard my sneezing on the other end of the phone he did stop arguing. 

Before I had the chance to apologize or to tell him when we could meet again he hung up the phone, Ouch. He really did that right now. He was so pissed about me being sick? but it isn't my fault. 

I made myself (drink of your choice) and went back to bed. I tried shrugging it off but the fact Dave was so cold just bothered me. I decided to take a nap  due to feeling really weak. Unfortunately I couldn't find much rest because a harsh knock on my front door which woke me up.

" One sec"

I shouted but right after I just heard an even harder knock. I hurried up to try get out of bed without passing out. The pulsing headache made my movements even slower but I eventually opened the door looking like a mess.

"Hey Babe. Thought you don't want to open at all because of how long  you've got me waiting"

" I'm sorry. What are you doing here? are you still mad?"

"Mad? I will be if you ask more stupid questions. Let me in already"

Dave said, holding a paper bag in his hands. Did he go grocery shopping? For me? He pat my head with one hand while I let him inside. 

"Go back to bed, you look horrible"

"Thanks. You could be nicer to me Dave"

" I'm here to nurse you and you complain?"

He sighed slightly annoyed and then looked me in the eyes as he got closer to me.

"Please go back to bed my Princess I will be there in a minute to make you feel better, okay?"

I couldn't hide a small smile rushing on my lips as he kissed my forehead and I decided to listen to him and went back into my bedroom. He was stubborn but sometimes really gentle. I tried my best to stay awake but my eyes became so heavy all of a sudden and I couldn't stop but just close them. Only seconds later I lost consciousness.

When I woke up my room was already filled in darkness. Did Dave leave? Before I could think about it further I felt a breathing in my neck and strong arms pulling me tighter. Dave seemed to lie behind me, being my big spoon. A feeling of relieve brushed all over me because he stayed. He slept while having me in my arms so I decided to close my eyes again and enjoy this peaceful moment.

The next time I opened my eyes the color scheme changed again. My room was lighted by the sunshine coming from my window. When I lifted myself up I couldn't find Dave next to me anymore. I heard how he dropped something in my Apartment/ House. I heard him yelling to himself in the kitchen.

"Goddamit "

I giggled a bit and got up to look after him. My nose was still stuffy due of my cold and my headache felt really painful but I could ignore it for now. Even though the dizziness was a bit annoying I made my way to the kitchen to see Dave cleaning up a cup he dropped.

"Is everything okay?"

"Good morning princess. Oh yeah its fine. Slept well?"

I nodded and looked over the counter, noticing the breakfast he made for me

"How about you?"

" I have been up half night because of your loud snoring but sleep is overrated anyways"

He was mean as always but I know it's part of his love language so I was okay with that.

He got back up again and grabbed the plate with  tea and the breakfast.

"Go back to bed I didn't allow you to get up. Eat first and rest some more. I will stay as long as you want okay?"

"Okay your wish is my command. It means a lot to me that you stayed overnight."

I didn't want to admit it but feeling his warmth behind me made me feel safe last night, knowing he was there with me.

"Thank you. You're such a good nurse"

I giggled and even Dave couldn't hide a smile.

"The best one"

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