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Ignore the mistakes

Next morning

Jungkook woke up earlier and he got ready
In his casual clothes and went for waking tae up .

Firstly he knocked on the door but when he got no response then he peeked inside  from the door just to find that tae is still sleeping .

He was looking ethereal,his skin was glowing because of sunlight which was falling over his face .

He went next to tae and stroke his hair softly and then caressed his cheeks softly ,tae was looking like angel while sleeping .

Jungkook softly called tae's name to wake him up but he didn't wake up so he patted
Tae's cheeks gently .

" Tae , tae ,open your eyes tae-tae " jungkook said softly trying to wake tae up and that last nickname did something and tae opened his eyes .

" Kookie " tae said while rubbing his eyes with knuckles looking adorable to kook.

" Tae wake up, it's morning and you go and get freshen-up and i am going downstairs ., come downstairs fast , we will eat together ". Jungkook said very softly on which tae nodded cutely still with sleepy face , he himself don't know why his tone becomes this much soft just for tae  .

After sometime tae came downstairs and went straight to jungkook who was talking on his phone with someone .

" Ok , then tell Mr . Park to fix new date for meeting , as per his concern ." Jungkook said this to someone on his phone and then hung up the call .

" Good morning jungkook" tae said looking at  jungkook curiously .

" Good morning tae " jungkook replied while smiling .

" What were  you talking about kookie " tae asked .

" Mm , actually mr .park had some emergency, so he postponed the meeting and he will reschedule it . , so we agreed " jungkook explained to tae who just hummed .

But then something clicked tae's mind .
" Kookie , since we are free right now , let's roam around this city , i want to explore it as i am here first time , will you come with me " tae asked excitedly , who is Jungkook to deny this cute person .

" Of course tae-tae " jungkook said making tae giggled at it.

"Let's go ,ajhumma made something special today " jungkook informed tae who ran toward dinning table excitedly.

They both were having their  food  together , but then suddenly tae screamed.

" What happened tae , are you ok " jungkook asked worriedly.
" It's spicy , i can't handle spicy food " tae explained and Jungkook gave him water but that didn't work so he asked ajhumma for milk. She instantly brought milk for tae who dranked it in one shot .

" Are you ok now , " on which tae just nodded still panting.

" I am sorry dear i didn't knew you don't like spicy food , it wasn't not my intention " ajhumma said feeling guilty .

" No , it's not your fault ajhumma don't worry , it's ok " tae said calming ajhumma who was worried for him .

" Yes, ajhumma it's ok, but next time we will keep it in our mind " jungkook said assuring ajhumma and tae .


Now they both were planning that where they should go first .

" Kookie let's go amusement park, i really like there " tae said excitedly clasping his hand with jungkook .

" NO !! , Definitely no , it's so childish tae i won't " jungkook declined his suggestion immediately.

" Please kookie , you will feel better, you always do work , just take one day as free day and enjoy .
You will definitely like it let's go please ,for me  " tae insisted on his suggestion showing his cute doe puppy eyes. And who is jungkook to deny it .

" Ok -ok !! , We will go there , for you only " jungkook said as he knew he won't win this argument against tae .

In amusement park

" Wow kookie it's so cool , let's go " .he dragged kook who was whining to not to go there .

They stood infront of rollar coaster and tae was looking at it with shimmering eyes .

" Kookie , let's take rollar coaster ride ,it will be fun " tae said jumping like a excited child.

" Tae please, i don't want to go ,you go only " kook whined like a child which made tae cooed at him internally as that cold man was behaving like a child right now .

" Hoo, kookie are you perhaps afraid " tae teased kook who wide his eyes .

" No way , i am not afraid of anything but i won't come there " kook replied

" Hmm, hmm , i know you are afraid , if you don't want to come then i will sit with random guy" tae teased kook not knowing that he won't like it .

" Who said i am afraid, let's go you will sit with me only " jungkook dragged tae with him and tae was laughing as his mission  was going well .

They both sat together and jungkook held tae' s hand tightly .

Tae laughed as he thought that jungkook is afraid. " Don't worry kook it's mere ride , you can held my hand tightly,don't worry."

Kook looked at him confusely and was about to say something but ride started to move .

Jungkook was calm and here tae held jungkook's arm tightly and was screaming in fear . Jungkook looked at tae and laughed internally at him but then looked at their hands which was linked together .

After their ride tae was walking while completely leaning over kook who was laughing at tae's condition .

" DON'T laugh " tae glared  at him who gesture as zipping his mouth .

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