Chapter 6: Leaving Zephyr Heights and starting a new mission

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Meanwhile with the remaining 4 Zipp, Sunny, Izzy and Hitch began running for safety before Zipp found a clear corner

"Quick, this way!" Zipp suggested

The four then rounded a corner and panted in relief as Hitch turned to look to see if somepony was watching he saw nopony there

"Okay, I think we lost 'em" Hitch said

After that Sunny approached Hitch in worry and disbelief

"Hitch, whay are you even doing here?" Sunny asked

"Arresting you and (Y/N) and saving you so you know a little bit of both actually, your welcome!" Hitch answered angrily

Just then Izzy realized something

"Wait, I just realized something where's (Y/N)?" Izzy asked in shock

After that the group except for Hitch looked at each other in confusion before Zipp decided to perk up as he sighed in defeat

"He sacrificed himself to save Pipp" Zipp answered

"What?!" The other two answered instead Hitch was just confused

"Wait, the pony without a hat, an Unicorn and saved Pipp is all (Y/N)?!" Hitch asked in shock

"Yep, pretty much, he's lived his whole life with us in Maretime Bay and he's had a dark past all because of you, Phyllis, Sprout and everypony else!" Sunny answered angrily

"Excuse me! If you knew about it why didn't you tell somepony?!" Hitch asked angrily

"Because it was our secret until we got captured by the royal guards which made (Y/N) lose his hat!" Sunny answered angrily

"So you just lied to mine and Sprout's face didn't you?" Hitch asked angrily

"No! Sure I might've lied along with (Y/N) but that's because I didn't want him gone by some plan you're doing to capture all Unicorns and Pegasi and besides you were a friend with an Unicorn!!!" Sunny answered

After that Zipp and Izzy who heard that argument was stunned

"So what, I broke one rule without knowing and you get mad because of that minor mistake?" Hitch asked angrily

"Excuse me! You do realize that (Y/N) was our childhood friend and always has been and you, you mess thing up every time!" Sunny answered angrily

Zipp and Izzy then broke the two apart

"Alright, that's enough guys, Sunny, remember that we were doing a mission to get the Unicorn crystal" Zipp said

"Yeah, you're right, I should be calm, sorry for worrying you girls" (Y/N) answered

"No worries Sunny, I knew you made the right decision in the end" Izzy said

"I agree with that" Zipp said

"Are you guys seriously making things worse, I know for a fact that this isn't allowed!" Hitch said angrily

"Ugh! Whatever" Sunny said

"But we still don't need any saving, okay?" Zipp reminded

"And you are?" Hitch asked in disbelief

"Her mom is the queen!" Izzy answered

"Wait a minute, so that means... You're a princess?!" Hitch asked in shock

"Look at that, the sheriff just became a detective" Zipp answered

"What?" Hitch asked in shock and confusion

Just then a news channel jingle was heard which made the group turn their heads to the big screen on the otherside of the street as a pony started talking

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