Chapter 4: Trapped in Zephyr Heights

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It was now the next day as (Y/N), Sunny and Izzy were walking inbetween the mountains as they looked at them

"Wow, this looks freaky imagine just one scream and the rocks come tumbling down like an avalanche" (Y/N) said worriedly

"I have to agree with that (Y/N)" Sunny said

Izzy then decides to speak up as she turned to the two

"You know, not to freak you guys out or anything but you two do know Pegasi can steal your luminescence, right?" Izzy asked

"Our lumi-what?" Sunny asked worriedly

"Luminescence, you know, like your sparkle? Yours is... Lavender and (Y/N)'s is (F/C)" Izzy answered

"Huh?" Sunny and (Y/N) asked in confusion

"And the happier you are the brighter it shines" Izzy answered

"Well, then we should keep a smile on our faces if you know what I mean" (Y/N) said

"Yeah, because if you get sadder it might get darker and easier to steal" Izzy explained

After saying that (Y/N) was a bit confused while Sunny looked at (Y/N) in confusion

"That's just typical Izzy as I would say" (Y/N) said

"Yeah, maybe you're right" Sunny agreed

Just then rocks were heard shaking as something was heard zipping by (No pun intended) making the trio look upwards before at each other in worry before it zipped by again making the trio look behind them with (Y/N) giving a battle stance before two more zips were heard as somepony was seen flying over rocks twice before some rocks fell making the trio run with (Y/N) in the lead

"Hurry!" Sunny called out

The three continued to run before they arrived at a dead end where they saw some rocks which they assume slid down as (Y/N) had an idea

"If there's no way back we better go up" (Y/N) suggested

"You sure about this?" Sunny asked

"Of course now go!" (Y/N) called out

After that the trio began climbing with Izzy in the lead before she couldn't go any higher which made Sunny help her up as the pegasi started to get closer and closer making the trio run up the rockslide with (Y/N) in the far back and Izzy at the far top as Izzy was the first to get to the top before Sunny jumped up too only to get herself hung just like Mufasa in the lion king as the Pegasi gained speed as (Y/N) jumped as hard as he could to get to the top before he did three twirls and landed on all 4 hooves as he helped Sunny up

"Thanks (Y/N)" Sunny thanked

"No worries, now which way do we go?" (Y/N) asked

"I'm not sure but we must be close, right?" Izzy asked

Just then the pony flew up into the air before they showed themselves to be light gray coated with their wing feathers being moderate arctic blue, brilliant azure, sapphire blue and moderate orchid her mane and tail are also colored in brilliant rose and moderate cyan colors while their eyes were moderate cyan, she also had a Cutie Mark consisting of an blue and pink lightning bolt with an yellow crown on top

Just then the pony flew up into the air before they showed themselves to be light gray coated with their wing feathers being moderate arctic blue, brilliant azure, sapphire blue and moderate orchid her mane and tail are also colored in brilliant r...

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