Chapter 2

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Blake was absoultely so amazingly sweet. I couldn't help but to smile when he helped me in his truck. He's probably the hottest guy I've seen all night. And now here I am, in HIS truck, going to HIS house. lawd help me now. On the way there we made small talk. He asked where I was from, and in return I asked where he was from. He obviously knew how old I was, and I found out he was only 23.

We got to his place and he came and opened my door and helped me out his truck. He's so sweet to me already, and we only met tonight. As we walked to his front door, he grabbed my hand, and let me tell you as soon as he did, I felt a spark, an instant connection, and I knew the smile on my face grew bigger.

Once we were inside he shut the door and told me to sit down on the couch and make myself at home. He disappeared and came back about five minutes later in sweat pants and a tee with two beers in his hand. He looked so adorable like that, it made me fall a little harder for him. We made small talk for a while and then I realized it was around 2 am and I was thinking that I should get going then remembered I didn't have a ride.



"It's around 2 am and I don't have a way home.. Could you take me home?"

"Why don't you just stay here? It's really late and we're both a little to drunk to drive. I'll get you something to sleep in, and show you the guest bedroom."

"Are you sure? You really don't care if I stay?"

"Not one bit, beautiful"

"Okay.. But there is one more thing you should know... I don't like sleeping by myself in places I've never been..."

"Well, how about you sleep in my bed? It's a California King, so you can have one side and I'll get the other."

"I guess. So can I have those clothes now?"

He walked off and was back in no time with some sweats and a tee. He showed me the bathroom and I went to change. The pants fell right off of me so I would just have to go without them tonight, I hope Blake wouldn't mind. I walked out the bath room and followed him to his room and we both got in bed, told each other goodnight and went to sleep.

{Tell me how it is so far?}

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