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This is the story of how I got back myself

- Arjun

He was walking along the rocks that were scattered across the shore, some covered in moss and some bathed by the salt water that hits from time to time. He always wondered why it gave him comfort , but he always knew it deep inside him . It depicted his mindset and heart state , the deafening silence with the breeze piercing the ears, making sounds which he didn't want.

He ponders upon the memories , arranging them into boxes as if he has occlumency ability. It would be nice to have occlumency sometimes, that way we can pack up the unwanted memories and stack them at the back of our mind.

Sudden coldness in his legs brought him out of his own occlumency session. He looked at the running waves and sighed , it would be good if he could move on like them . Free of any emotional boundary and questions.

He spent his time looking at the copper laden sky with freckles of stars peeking out already from their hiding position. The sea mirrored the sky making it more beautiful , and his mind whispered, 'Things can be beautiful even if it's just a replica'. He pondered upon the thought for some more time and decided to return to his reality which will be like a whiplash to the soul after spending time in his place.

He picked his airpods and started his playlist , he made a quick jog towards his car. He occasionally looked at the few people who were loitering around to bask in the sunset glow. While he was busy admiring the looks on the few people who were left around, he felt like someone was staring at him.

He turned around to find a pair of eyes , looking at him with tears brimming. He didn't need this , not today, not any day in future. He wasn't ready yet, he knew that and he was fine with that. But life had other plans and thought to bring the one person who is crushing his heart as it is already. He blinked his eyes as if that would help him to remove the image that he is seeing right now.

But reality doesn't work like that , does it ? He sighed and thought this is it. He was also surprised to see that he is fine now and not like he expected. He expected him to throw tantrums, throw a fit or worse crumble under those eyes. But he seemed to be doing just fine , there was a phantom pain in his heart but that was something he could handle.

He decided to look at her and he looked square in her eyes. She seemed to be in a daze too ,he waited for her to come out of her daze . After which seemed to be a lifetime for him, he saw her getting out of her daze.

He cleared his throat, "Hi Meera", he voiced out more smoothly than he expected. He found out it was better than he hoped. Better than what he expected from himself. He gave himself a mental pat and steered clear to have a conversation which is going to hurt like hell.

"Hi", she sobered herself up from her dilemma. He nodded with a small smile that he could manage, it wasn't either friendly or it contained animosity , it had only hurt and a little bit annoyance. He just nodded his head again with a wistful look indicating the nearest bench. She looked a little bit rattled but decided to comply with his gesture.

After settling down , both resorted to silence and both didn't want to start a conversation which would leave a sour expression on their heart. But he was done with her silences and detachment . He either wanted closure or he wanted her gone, he knew he can manage himself without the closure too. 

The uncomfortable silence lingered like an unwanted third wheel, neither of them ready to open a conversation first. Arjun seemed to make a decision and he wanted to finish the conversation as soon as possible. Nobody will blame him for choosing the easy way out too, that is , just walking away from this conversation. But he knew he had to talk.

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