💌 || One Las gift.

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One last gift, because, y'all deserve something special after this book funeral.


//3RD POV//

{Y/N} was talking with George about his sister Penny, meanwhile {Y/N} was worried about something, about Lego, He was acting kinda weird these weeks, {Y/N} asked him a couple of times if he was ok, or something was up to him, just.
”Nothing important!”

{Y/N} didn't believe him a little bit, but he wanted his partner to have a little bit of space too, so yeah he basically didn't take to Lego today and talked to other people instead.

G-”So what has been happening these weeks with Pghlfilms?”

{Y/N}-”Dunno... But I'm so worried about him, he's probably worried about something really important and he doesn't want to tell anyone, not even me tho.”

G-”Probably... A gift?”

{Y/N}-”I don't know... But i should ask him again”

G-”ok, good luck I guess!”

With that {Y/N} goes to his house, no his house because it's an apartment where he shares it with Lego too. {Y/N} entered inside the apartment, and there was Lego, with spidella, he approaches Lego and taps his shoulder.

Lego looked back and he smiles towards {Y/N}.

L-”Welcome back, how did the meeting go with George??”

{Y/N}-”it was... Good, how about you??”

L-”nothing special today, just a meeting with Factual that's all..”

{Y/N}-”oh strange... I through that you two will meet the next week you say.”

L-”o-oh, well he changed plans I guess.. the next week we will do the project.”

{Y/N}-”oh ok, do you want to... Talk about something?”

L-”Sure! What's up?”

{Y/N}-”Well I uh... I've noticed that you were acting a little bit strange these weeks. is something wrong that you don't want to tell me?”

L-”I- uhh...”

Lego didn't find the words to explain what was happening these weeks, he couldn't lie to his partner anymore, so he took a breathe and took Y/N's hands together.
He looks up at Y/N face

L-”{Y/N} I-”

For the day he was interrupted and saved at the same time by George, the kid looks at Y/N and Lego.

G-”Ew- you two were about to kiss?- BLEH-”

{Y/N}-”George don't say that!”

G-”Sorry but, i don't really like romantic stuff..”

{Y/N}-”You've could knock the door!”

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