9 || No Time!

764 7 55

A/N: thank you guys for the 700 reads/views!

Chapters written:

Chapter 1 (Alley)
Chapter 2 (Store)
2nd tittle: Playing UNO with the INFECTED...?
3rd tittle: Willow GETS ran over by a car??


Y/N, Pghlfilms and doggy where I'm the alleys trying to catch a criminal named willow wolf.

"Alright, PghLego1945 and Y/N we are so close to catch this criminal"
"But we need to find a way how to get through this door..."
"It looks like this door has some sort of 3 digits numbers"

Doggy said and he looked back at Pghlfilms.

"So maybe we have to explore the building to find the numbers, that way we can finally get trough this door!"

"Does sound like a good plan?"

"Or I can just use my repulsor to break the door down?"

"Yeah... That's another way to do it"

Pghlfilms uses his repulsor to break the door down like he said and there they meet with willow, willow startled and started running and slipped by the wet floor.

Doggy,Pghlfilms and Y/N looked kinda disappointed well... Doggy was the disappointed one.

"In my 4 years of being a policer officer I never have seen a criminal fail this horrible"

"Oh- there she goes.."

"Pghlfilms do you got the scissors?"

"No y/n have the scissors"

"Y/N could you please cut that police uhm... Thing?"


Y/N uses the scissors and they walked again.

"Oh no we forgot to get the mop!"

Pghlfilms carries Y/N in bridal style (again god damn-) and flies above the wet floor.

"Pghlfilms at least ask me first"

"Sorry, but doggy just walk in it! But don't run in it"

"Ok I'll try"

Doggy walk slowly in the wet floor.

"Oh- it wasn't that bad!"

"Right? Alright let's move on"

They walked to the door and they were Infront of it.

"Pghlfilms use your repulsor for get trough this door"

"Actually doggy I'm gonna use my food and kick the door down"

Y/N and doggy looked kinda disappointed but at the same time confused.

"Wha- ok I'm not gonna argue with you about this ok?"

[With willow]

"Alright, I think I'm safe here there's no way that they can get trough thi-"

Pghlfilms kicks the door down with his foot.


Willow get her gun and shots at Y/N but Pghlfilms stops the bullet by getting Infront of him.

"Wow if I didn't act at time you'll be oof Y/N"

Y/N blushes his cheeks and he rolls his eyes.


"Anyways, willow did you just almost assault an detective?"

"It was an accident Im sorry-"

Then other willow appears in the middle of the room.

|Pghlfilms x male!reader| (finished)Where stories live. Discover now