#13 | the evening with Thomas

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AUTHORS NOTE : ☺If you want to use my Fanfic in any way or repost it anywhere please ask me for permission. Also please do not tweak my fanficton or claim it as your own. Thank yoouuu

You and Thomas lived in together, due to his acting career he was away filming most of the time and you always missed him. This evening he was due to come home for two months from the scorch trials filming. You originally planned to go out with your friends but you cancelled last minute cause you wanted to spend the evening with Thomas.

the clock reads 9:00pm but he was due 8:30. He's half an hour late. You sit in the living room flicking through channels waiting for him to come home. Suddenly, you hear the door click open and your boyfriend, Thomas appears in the doorway. A big smirk stretches across his face. You instantly pounce from the sofa and smash your lips into his. Your lips work well together after weeks of no contact.

He grabs your waist and kicks his foot backwards shutting the door behind you two. Your hands grip on the back of his neck and end up ruffling his styled to perfection hair. One thing led to another, now you were on the sofa on his lap, straddling him. His kisses deepened and his hands wandered.

"I thought you were out with your friends tonight?" he speaks with his warm breathe on your mouth hungrily.

"I cancelled when I remembered you were coming back" you reply fast so you can reconnect lips with his.

Your hands begin to find their way to his tie and buttoned up shirt. You pull his black tie off.

"bit harsh cancelling, babe" he talks into the kiss again smirking.

You pull away from the kiss and begin to unbutton his white shirt from the top.

"you still think i'm harsh, Tommy?" you say smiling with your face close to his.

"only if you stop doing what your doing" he says smirking back.

You've missed him so much. You've missed this so much...

Thomas Sangster/ Newt ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now