#12 | Newt saves you from Gally

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You were walking to exit the homestead doors to find your boyfriend, Newt, who was probably working in the fields. Your hands reach out for the door handle when suddenly a strong hand covers your mouth and another hand tightly clamped around your torso. You don't know who it is but you scream without hesitation. But your screams are muffled by the persons hand. The Glader quickly drags you backwards into a small storage room. The mystery Glader uncovers your mouth and you turn your neck around to see who it was:

your ex boyfriend, Gally who has a mischievous grin on his face. The room was almost pitch black and you could barely see a thing. You turn your body facing him trying to unhinge from his grip. But he was too strong, his arms hooked you in by the waist drawing your bodies together.

"shh shh calm down (y/n)" he says in a soothing voice.

"what the shuck! let me go you slinthead!" you shout at him.

His grin grew wider and his strong hands began to wander up your shirt. You scream and kick trying to loosen the grip but it is pointless trying.

"we're not done here babe, we are unfinished business don't you remember" he purrs in your ear.

You instantly cringe and try to squirm out of his grasp. He begins to kiss your neck and suck on your collarbone. Tears start lurking in your eyes, you didn't want this. He slams you against the wall pressing your bodies as close as they could possibly go.

"NEWT! NEWT! HELP SOMEBODY PLEAS-!" You scream at the top of your lungs hoping somebody would hear.

You keep on struggling but Gally keeps a tight grip on you. Eventually, you almost escape him but he tugs back on your shirt ripping it partly. You kick him in-between the legs and he instantly falls to the floor groaning. However, he still has a grip on your ripped shirt. Without hesitation you fling open the door and run with such force he rips your shirt completely. You instantly wrap your arms around your chest so your chest is not exposed.

You quickly run out the homestead screaming with afew tears on your checks. You instantly spot Newt in the distance chopping down a tree with his machete.

"NEWWTTT! NEWTTTTT!" you scream as loud you could.

Newt recognised your voice anywhere. He instantly spots you in the distance and runs as fast as he could to you. However, you drew afew Gladers attention who were now all also running to your aid. As you run towards Newt you soon hear the homestead doors swing open again from behind you and you soon realised Gally was chasing after you. Newt ran as fast as he could, he didn't know what happened yet between you and Gally but he knew Gally was going to hurt you. Minho and Thomas instantly tackle Gally to the ground.

"What the bloody'ell happened love!" Newt says with his eyes reflecting worry.

Thomas Sangster/ Newt ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now