War Breaks Out Across the Sea

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September 2, 1939

Anneliese purchased a newspaper from a newspaper stand and read about war breaking out overseas.

Germany had invaded Poland, starting a war between countries.

She held the newspaper close to her chest and closed her eyes. She didn't want to think about what could have happened had she not gotten out when she did.

Bucky walked up, startling her. 'Sorry, doll. Are you all right?'

She showed him the paper and put it under her arm. 'Bucky, if I hadn't gotten out when I did...'

'Lisie, you can't be thinking like that. It probably wouldn't have gone well for you, and you're only gonna scare yourself more.'

'I've been reading a little about what he's done. They've been sterilised, some have been sent to camps, and some... Some have lost their lives. I could have been one of those! It didn't matter if you were Jewish or Christian. If you were disabled in any way...'

Bucky cupped her face, then pulled them away. 'Anneliese, I know this is a worry you have, but you are safe here. You're safe with me. You're not gonna be at risk of torture or death because of your disability. And if anyone comes for you, I promise I'll defend you til my last breath.'

Anneliese tilted her head. 'Promise?'

'I promise.'

'You realise that sounded a little like a proposal.'

'I suppose it did.' He smiled, nervousness seemingly seeping in. 'Be my girl?'

Anneliese nodded and smiled. 'I would be honoured.'

'Might I kiss you?'

'You may.'

A soft smile crossed Bucky's face and he pressed a tender kiss to her lips and she smiled through the kiss.

She pulled away and looked up at him. 'Thank you for always treating me as an equal.'

'Why wouldn't I? Just because you can't talk like I do doesn't mean you deserve to be treated as lesser.' He chuckled softly. 'I'm just glad I've finally gotten to use a seemingly useless class I took.'

'It must have been fate.'

'I'd certainly say so. Shall we go?'

'To where?'

'Wherever you want, doll.'

Anneliese thought for a moment. 'How about to the art museum? I have some time before my class.'

'Sounds like a colorful date to me.'

Anneliese laughed and smiled. 'That was adorably cheesy.'

'I'm aware. Too much?'

She shook her head. 'Not at all.'

Bucky smiled as he took her hand, lacing his fingers through hers, and the two walked away.

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