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Right now Mineta,Tsuyu and Izuki decided to head towards the Central Plaza.

Since Tsu insisted they should be stealthy even though Izuku didn't care that much it took them a little while to get to the Central Plaza. When they got there, what they saw shocked them. Most of the villains were out cold but the monster had Aizawa pinned down with the hand guy mocking him. He then noticed both Izuku and Tsu.

He rushed towards them he stretched his hand to grab Tsu's face, but his outstretched arm was caught by Izuku.

"Now I would advise you not to try to kill my classmates in my presence," Izuku informed the handyman calmly but the hidden threat in that statement was heard by all.

"Heh an NPC thinks he can talk back to me. NOMU!" The Villain yelled. That was when a black blur shot towards Izuku who only turned his head and was punched in the face but Izuku... didn't move an inch and simply stared at the beast.

"Huh, interesting it has power and speed close to All Might."

"Of course it does, Nomu here was made to kill All Might." The villain bragged to Izuku. Izuku raised an eyebrow at that.

"Tsu,Mineta, get Aizawa and get to safety at the top of the stairs," Izuku ordered. His tone had so much authority that the two teens jumped straight to Aizawa. That was when the door busted off its hinges. There stood All Might and he wasn't smiling. He took a look over the Central Plaza and rushed into action. He knocked out all still conscious villains and got Aizawa, Mineta and Tsu into his arms and took them up the stairs.

"All Might, Izuku is still down there and he is fighting a monster that is meant to kill you," Tsu informed the Symbol of Peace. He looked at her and nodded and was down the stairs and at Izuku's side in a second.

"Young Midoriya, I know you can handle this, but I ask you to look for your classmates that are still around the USJ." All Might requested. Izuku took a look at him and stared for a minute. Then he just nodded.

"Tch, fine, It will be done faker." With that Izuku disappeared in a burst of speed.

Izuku went to the Conflagration Zone which was full of fire. He rushed through and found Ojiro holding his own. Izuku came in and took out the rest. He informed Ojiro where the others were. Izuku then went on to search for the others.

He then went to the Mountain Zone next and found Momo, Jiro, and Kaminari struggling. Izuku stepped in and took out the one full conscious villain and informed them where to go.

He went to the Landslide Zone and found no one and continued on to the Ruins Zone and found no one as well.

He finally checked to the Downpour zone and found Tokoyami and Koda. He took out the rest of the villains and informed them where to go.

With that 3 minutes had passed. Izuku landed back in the Central Plaza. He turned and saw All Might struggling with the Nomu while Todoroki, Bakugo, and Kirishima were watching on. He appeared next to Todoroki.

Todoroki just glanced at Izuku but said nothing. Izuku just started walking towards the fight.

"What's going on All Might, gotten weak in your old age?" Izuku asked walking forward. This caused all attention to turned to him even the Nomu, that was only because of the pressure Izuku was exerting.

"Young Midoriya I thought I told-" All Might was then cut off by Izuku.

"Already took care of it. Since you are struggling so much how bout I step in. We both know whose the most powerful between you and I, face it All might I am stronger than you." Izuku said with the utmost confidence. The got is three classmates and the had villain to freeze.

'This kid isn't showing All Might any respect, he might not be an NPC but a playable character.' Were the hand villain's thoughts.

Before anyone could react the Nomu shot towards arm raised for a punch. Izuku raised his fist and matched the Nomu in strength. He saw the reaction to the punch on the Nomu and that caught its attention. Izuku and the Nomu kept trading blows as everyone else watched on.

Izuku landed a solid uppercut on the Nomu's sternum and watched as it rippled but the Nomu didn't react.

"Ha, Nomu has shock absorption. Everything you throw at it; it can tank the hit." The handy villain bragged like this was his most favorite toy. Izuku frowned at that and jumped back from the Nomu.

"Hmm if that's the case then I'll to use the gift my precious Dear made for me" Izuku said as he raised his arm in the air and opened his hand then he made a grabbing motion. Nothing happened after 7 seconds right before the handyman started shouting, a piece of the ceiling exploded. When that happened, an object shot towards Izuku. He snatched it out of the air.

Izuku was holding a large one-sided golden battle-ax. It was close to half the length of his body. It had a small handle for its size fit for only was one hand. The handle had a dark green wrapping and on the side of the ax blade, it had a guard with four evenly spaced spikes. Up where the massive curled blade was on the other side of the main blade and the top of the ax two more blades looked like large spearheads.

Many looked at the weapon in shock. "This is Divine Ax Rhitta my weapon," Izuku informed all that could hear as he stared the creature known as Nomu who suddenly took a step back from sheer power that the Ax held in the hands of Izuku Midoriya, who simply held the ax and had his hand up with one finger.

"Remember this well, for I am Izuku Midoriya...The Lion Sin of Pride"

Chapter End.

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