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When he exited the portal, he saw that he was falling towards a body of water. He didn't panic he knew he would enter the water without much damage. When he entered the water, it took him a few seconds to get his bearings. When he looked around, he saw water adapted villains swimming around him.

The one that looked like a shark rushed at him. Izuku didn't panic, panicking gets you killed. When the shark man got close enough Izuku drew out the power that was stored in him that caused him to increase his height and muscle mass a little and then He hit the shark man in the snout as hard as he could with his enhanced strength. The shark man being unprepared for that kind of strength in the water was launched backward a few dozen meters.

That was when other villains were attacked by a green blur in the water. Izuku took notice that it was the frog girl Tsu. After she cleared the villains around Izuku she launched her tongue at him. When she saw that Izuku canceled his power, so she wouldn't be heated up and accidentally burn her as well as making himself lighter. She gripped him and tossed him up in the air so that Izuku could see the ship and landed with a thud a few seconds later and another thud was heard only this one was felt like it was slammed and the person who groaned from the impact was Minoru Mineta and with Tsu being the last person to climb up on the ship that was in the middle of the water.

He looked at the frog girl. "Thank you for the assistance I am at a small disadvantage in the water." He told her sincerely.

"Don't mention it, but we need a plan to get out of here. They have us outnumbered a lot."

Izuku looked back at the group of water-based villains eyeing them from the water....just before Izuku could say anything Mineta started to panic at the fact they're going to die while saying he didn't achieve his dream on being a chick magnet.

"Are you sure you're in the right class Mineta?" Tsu asked towards the short stacked kid who could only cry at the fact that they just got out of junior high and now they're fighting for their lives against villains but before he could say anything else he was suddenly grabbed and liftee from his cape and was face to face with Izuku without his glasses and Mineta saw the flames in his eyes dancing and moving violently in them.

"Are you here to be a Hero? Or to be a disappointment in my field of vision because as of right now you're Pride on yourself is barely a flicker that it makes me sick, get your act together" Izuku said this while dropping Mineta back on the ground who was trembling with Izuku turning his attention towards Tsuyu.

"You have all the abilities of a frog, right?"

"Yeah, why do you ask?"

"Just taking stock of everything that can be used to fight these guys." Izuku hummed out while having his glasses on once more as he was still thinking of the best course of action.

She just nodded back to him also in the thought of what they should do.

'I could use a cruel sun but that might cause more damage than needed. But I need a way to make sure the villains are taken care of. The grape boy's sticky orbs can be useful but right now his mind is scared and won't be much help in his state oh well.' Izuku's eyes then lit up.

"I may have a plan," Izuku told Tsu as he turned to her while shutting up a frightening Mineta who was shedding tears

She looked back at him. "Ok, what is it?"

"I am going to power up and launch a strong punch that creates a whirlpool that makes it so all the villains are grouped together. When they are stuck spinning, I am going to use a cruel sun to make sure they are out cold." Izuku explained to her.

"Um, wouldn't they drown if they are out cold in the water? I don't know if they can all breathe underwater." Tsu asked.

"Well, I could use enough heat to evaporate the water." Izuku suggested, "You would have to grab Mineta and jump as high as you can, so you and him aren't affected by the heat."

Tsu nodded at that and agreed to his plan.

Izuku then took a couple of steps away from her as he called upon the heat in his chest. Heat and pressure shot out from him, as he grew in height and weight. It only took him a second to power up.

"Okay Tsu, the second I launch the heat attack grab the coward and jump as high as you can," Izuku confirmed with her as he looked down at her. She just looked at him with a small blush and nodded.

Izuku then took to the air, he shot up about 70 feet when he started to float there. He pulled his arm back feeling his power being released and preparing a punch. "Disappear." Was all Izuku said as he launched a punch down towards the water. The force of the punch made an opening in the water 30 feet in diameter. Then the water rushed towards the opening causing a whirlpool. All the villains were caught in it.

With that Izuku created a sun half the size of his body. "Cruel Sun," Izuku stated as he launched the attack. The second it was in the middle of the whirlpool Izuku extended his open hand out. "Flare." With that, the water disappeared in a flash of steam.

Izuku looked towards the boat he launched from and saw Tsu and Mineta panicking with Tsu slightly panicking with Mineta screaming like a girl as the two of them started to fall. Izuku chuckled at that a little bit as he launched himself towards them. He caught them 30 feet from the ground.

They then landed in the now empty lake with Tsu thanking Izuku who just nodded as he placed Tsu and Mineta odwn with the latter could only stare at Izuku with the boy himself felt like he had just gained an admirer for some reason.

But as they looked towards where the villains were, what they saw were slightly burned and unconscious villains who were no threat.

As soon as they saw that they were in the clear Izuku then removed his glasses and this caused his height to increase along with more muscles that caused Tsu to blush, Izuku then let out a breath feeling his power no longer feeling restricted, he turned towards his classmates with his tone that held nothing but authority.

"Let's make sure the rest of our classmates don't end up dead"

Chapter End.
Hope you enjoy

Izuku the Sin of PrideWhere stories live. Discover now