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aubrey pulled up outside the school at lunch, sabrina lingering around the entrance. she practically dashed to the car once she realised it was her sister, aubrey looking on in amusement. "you do realise that they don't care if you ditch?" aubrey nudged her, sabrina scoffed in response. "oh please i am definitely getting detention for this." she had text her sister during english, she had always been planning on ditching after her second class but going home wasn't something she wanted to do. and her sister seemed to be the only person not being judgemental of everything she said lately.

"you need to live a little," aubrey commented, pulling back out onto the road. "i cannot believe this is the first time you've ditched this place." sabrina rolled her eyes, aubrey had hated school and rarely ever showed up. it was the cause of most arguments in their household, sabrina was the opposite. although rosewood would've never been her first pick, she didn't entirely hate it there. "and also didn't you totally see a dead body last night?" aubrey asked as if it was the most casual question to be asking. "i'm pretty sure that warrants a day off."

"i didn't see a dead body," sabrina groaned, dropping her head into her hands. "why does everyone around here lack basic empathy?" aubrey rolled her eyes in response. "ok i'm sorry that the girl that you hated was killed," she shrugged. "as long as you didn't have anything to do with it, i don't care." that added to sabrina's point of aubrey lacking basic empathy but she decided not to comment on it. "yes because i'm so capable of murder."

"you could be," aubrey shrugged. "it's always the quiet ones that snap first." that didn't really narrow down the suspect list of people that may have murdered alison dilaurentis which made sabrina's heart rate pick up considerably. the idea that she might be walking amongst a murderer had been weighing on her since she saw alison's body been wheeled out of the house barely 24 hours beforehand. it was obvious that a lot of people hated alison, the idea that someone in her school, possibly in her class had killed the girl sent shivers down her spine. "you look like you're going to vomit but can you please not do it in my car?"

"can you just bring me home?" sabrina pressed a hand to her head, she felt like she was burning up all of a sudden. at least if she came down with something she'd have an excuse to stay at home and not have to face hailey who was getting on her last nerve or spencer who was making her increasingly nervous for reasons she had yet to explore. "are you ok?" aubrey fully focused on her sister for a second. "i was totally joking, if you vomit in my car i won't be that mad." sabrina glared at her. "you're not winning sister of the year anytime soon brie."

sabrina tried to focus on the road in front of her as aubrey took a left turn but the movement just made her feel more nauseous. it was totally ironic that alison dilaurentis was still the cause of the nauseous feeling rising within sabrina, even in death.

"where did you disappear to yesterday?" hailey asked, placing her lunch tray on the table across from sabrina. it was getting colder by the day which meant that both girls had to resort to sitting indoors which sabrina hated more than anything. "oh i left," she said. "i didn't feel too good, the nurse sent me home." the last part may have been a lie but the second part was not, sabrina had spent the entire evening curled up in the foetus position in her bed and yet her mother had still pushed her out the door the next morning. she didn't feel better, but she knew it was mainly stress that was churning up the unpleasant feeling she was stuck with.

"you could've text me." sabrina's eyes flickered past hailey for a split second which was all that was needed for hailey to do a 180 turn to see what exactly sabrina was looking at. the blonde reminded herself to try and get her facial expressions under control, she was too readable and it was becoming a nuisance. "oh you have got to be fucking joking me." sabrina sharply kicked her friend under the table, she would've liked to think that hailey didn't mean for her disbelief to be vocalised so loudly but she knew hailey too well and she knew that the brunette was purposefully trying to start something.

of all the things that sabrina would've expected to see at rosewood, alison's friend group with jenna marshall was not one of them. it was not unknown that alison hated jenna with a burning passion so to see her sitting at that lunch table as if she was always their closest friend was just a little bit unnerving. although sabrina had to admit it did look a little awkward over there. sabrina hadn't even known jenna marshall had returned to rosewood considering she had been gone for some time after the accident that had blinded her. "did you know she was back?" sabrina asked quietly, hailey shaking her head in response.

"why is she sitting with them?" hailey turned back around to face sabrina. "i mean, if they're inviting everyone alison fucked with to sit with them i'm up next on the list." sabrina frowned at her, poking her food around her plastic tupperware with her fork. "what does that even mean?" she looked back towards the girls sitting in stone cold silence. "you suddenly want to be one of them?" hailey scoffed at the idea. "no, i want an apology."

"they probably just feel bad for her," sabrina sighed. "and also it's alison that you want an apology from and spoiler alert, you're not getting it." hailey gritted her teeth slightly at the mention of the dilaurentis' girls name while sabrina tried her best not to notice the way the girls fists clenched and unclenched on the table in front of her. "even if she was alive i wouldn't be getting an apology, i'd still be getting tortured by her," hailey scowled. "them apologising is the next best thing."

"they shouldn't have to apologise for stuff alison did before she wound up dead." hailey tilted her head as if weighing up whether sabrina was right or not. "they should apologise for being spineless bitches who stood by and let it all happen," hailey shrugged like she was making perfect sense. in her head, she obviously felt like she was making sense. sabrina, however was seeing it a different way. "before they end up just like her."

sabrina dropped her fork, the clatter it made off the table making several heads shoot up, including spencer hastings who sabrina was trying her best to avoid eye contact with. "what does that mean?" hailey raised a brow at her as if she was completely dense for not understanding her and sabrina suddenly felt that nauseous feeling bubbling up within her again. "nothing," she said finally. "i think i would also be nicer to people if my friend who made other peoples lives hell wound up murdered." she chuckled more to herself than anyone else as she turned around and took another look at the table, spencer's attention was still trained on them and she looked completely unnerved by the way hailey was looking at them.

and she wasn't the only one because as sabrina tried her best to regain her composure and go back to eating her lunch, all she could think of was hailey's words. before they end up like her. it hadn't even sounded like a general statement, more like a threat. hailey beckett was a lot of things and sabrina was starting to wonder whether a murderer was one of them.

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