Chapter Three

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Over the next week, the 342nd Amderestan Defense Force Combat Assault Group launched a series of cross border attacks on a number of AARDF Listening Posts along a 1,000 light-year stretch of the Amderestan Army Republic border. Two Combat Assault Divisions in the 412th ADFCAA were attacked, and destroyed by an AARDF Combat Assault Division.

Meanwhile on Command Station Alpha, Councilor Jack Airian met in the Level 20 Briefing Room with Commander Anderson and BAEC Commander Keevab in regard to the planet destroyer's construction.

"Councilor, my personnel have begun installation of the super laser assembly." Commander Keevab said to Airian, who was seated three seats from him. "It should take a few days to tie in to the power grid, and conduct a series of tests to rule out any defects."

"I agree with Keevab." Commander Anderson commented to Councilor Airian, "We should run a diagnostic on the weapon system."

"Very well, Commander." Councilor Airian said to Keevab. "Run your tests, I don't want anything unexpected to happen."

Councilor Airian dismissed Commander Keevab, and he returned to the planet destroyer where he conducted a series of diagnostic test on the super laser over the few days. After which, he tested the super laser on simulated targets.

Over at the BSI Facility, Director Greg Tannin and several other BSI personnel loaded the Chaelia Virus into the MIRVs during the next four months, as Blackanian Army Engineering Corps personnel constructed the Surface-to-Air Missile Launcher near the Enhanced Shield Generator control bunker. Afterward, he called a briefing of the BSI personnel to discuss the outcome.

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