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My head was pounding as my body started to squirm. Arms gripped around me making it impossible to sit myself up. As I opened my eyes the soft pale skin becomes clearer. Beverly.

She had bracelets of braided thread adorning her wrist and dainty silver rings on her small and slender fingers.

I could hear her faint snores from behind me. She was such a soft delicate creature. For some reason her name rang familiar in my ears.

Beverly Marsh... Beverly Marsh....

Beaverly Marsh.

  Of course. Why hadn't I realized that sooner?

  Now I know Gretta's a massive bitch and probably just made all of that shit up but why would Beverly be the victim to her attacks?

  I'll take Gretta's words lightly but my mind still has to wonder.

  Beverly takes a deep inhale and her body moves a bit. I watch as her hand twitches before she lifts it off of me.

'Good morning' I quietly spoke out to her.

'How'd you sleep?' She asks.

'Good. My head is killing me though'

'Gimme a sec I'll be back.' She says and then stands up stretching out her legs before exiting the room.

  I hadn't gotten a good glimpse at Beverly's room last night considering all I could focus on was Patrick. She had patterned walls that were stained a dingy tan color. A large wooden dresser sat parallel to her bed on the other wall. Other than her book bag and some strewn books across the floor there wasn't much else to capture ones attention.

  As I continued to let myself examine her room I hear the doorknob twist itself open again. Standing in the doorway was a smiling Beverly holding some pills and a glass of water.

  I take the water from her hand and down the pills before chasing them with the it. I hand the glass back to Beverly who sets it atop her dresser before sitting criss-crossed on the bed.

'I'm sorry about last night. I'm not usually that fucked up.' I said my throat still scratchy from the night before.

  Her head turned down, the shiny red locks of her hair hanging in front of her face, before speaking up once more.

'It's crazy how such dark moments can bring people together.'

  I watched as she traced little drawings into her skin with her fingertips.

'So... what happened?' She asked now looking up to meet my gaze.

'The guys are just... a lot sometimes.'

'You've got that right.' She said inspecting the wounds that covered my skin.

  I shifted a little bit bringing my arms to a crossed position. Her stares made me feel gross but not in the way that the guys did. It was different and more shameful rather than me just feeling like a piece of meat at their full disposal.

  I can tell she noticed my discomfort.

'I don't want to upset you but... did they... do that to you?' She asked wide eyed trying not to stare down at the wound covered animal before her.

'Some of them I guess... but it really is fine though. They haven't killed me yet' I say trying to throw a laugh in for good measure.

  Her face only grows with worry. Her eyebrows sank and she tried to flash a smile but it came out more as a pity smile than a comforting one.

'You know that's not love right? It's not okay for them to hurt you like that. You need to stay here with me or... just stay away from them at least. I can help you-'

'I don't need help Bev. I've got everything under control, they won't hurt me that bad. I love them.' Tears tried to well their way into my eyes but I quickly swallowed them down.

'Please just listen to me-'

'NO!' I shouted and she turned to her door watching as if someone might come barreling through after hearing me.

  I jumped out of her bed and my head scrambled as I searched around making sure I had all of my shit.

'I've gotta go...'

  I know she could tell I was hurt. She watched me as I frantically moved across her room headed towards the window. I slid it open and crawled my way outside heading down the stairs. Not even Beverly would chase after me.

  Great. Beverly was my friend for one day and I already fucked it up. I doubt she'll be able to handle this mess especially if I live in constant denial.

  As my feet touch the ground another journey has begun. I started the quick shameful walk to my house only stopping when I had to cross the street. As I saw my house in the distance my heart froze at the sight before me. The blue Trans Am glimmered in the sunlight as if it had been freshly washed. Henry and Patrick leaned on the side of the car with cigarettes between their lips. I can't see Victor or belch but I'd assume they're in the car also awaiting my arrival.

  Surely I'm walking into my death.

  They haven't spotted me yet but I was still a few blocks away giving me an advantage. I don't have the desire to explain to them what had happened after I stomped away from them last night so instead I take a shortcut through my neighbors yards.

  They don't seem to look angry but I can't tell if they had already gone into my house in search of me. Why don't I ever remember to lock my doors? It's like I want to be kidnapped and murdered.

  If my guess is correct and they just pulled in then it would seem that I have until they finish their cigarettes to pull off my heist.

  When I get to the house right before mine I peak my head around to see if I can make it to my yard. I could just barely see Henry and it looked like his cigarette was nearly finished. I need to go now. I check once more to see his face turned to where Patrick is and make the run of my life towards the back of my house.

  My heart pounded out of my chest as I reach my back door and carefully twist the knob letting myself in. I stoop down low to keep myself away from the front window in fear of them catching me and make my way to my bedroom. I change my clothes and head to my bathroom where I wash the thin layer of dirt off of my face and try to make myself presentable.

  If there is a god please, please let them believe whatever bullshit I come up with.

  When the last splash of water hits my face I hear the front door creak open. I quickly grab the towel next to me and dab the water off my face. I turn around and I'm met with footsteps and an upset Patrick coming up the stairs.

'Where have you been..' Patrick says with a deep voice staring into my eyes.

'I..was just catching up on some sleep' I stare back into his dark eyes trying to sense if he had believed my lie and he gets inches away from my face.

  His eyes dart down to my lips for only a second. He slides his tongue over his chapped ones and looks back up to my eyes.

  I wish I could just tell what this twisted motherfucker was thinking. Did he believe me? Was he currently planning my death? Had he already came inside to see me gone and just wanted to torment me longer? I don't fucking know but what I do know is that this boy will surely be the death of me.


I'm kind of out of my writers block now so hopefully the content I'm putting out is better. Thanks for all the reads! 🤠

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