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I peak my head out of the bathroom to see where Patrick is. I'm assuming he's still in his room but I just want to be sure.

I step out of the tiled room and quietly sprint to the front door. I take one last look behind me to make sure I'm not being followed and step out into the fog.

The only thing I spotted in the dark was a lamppost flickering on the sidewalk.

I walk towards it and start my journey home.

Patrick has to know about Henry. While he is a cold and calculating psycho I don't believe he'd torment me in this way without a reason. He had to have overheard our conversation the other night.

My legs hurt and I feel exhausted. My feet drag on the ground as I shiver from the cold.

I wonder what Patrick will do to me when he finds me. Should I go home? That seems too obvious but where else would I go?

I take my numb fingertips and bring them to my pocket searching for my pack of cigarettes. I bring a cigarette to my mouth before realizing I don't have a lighter on me.

Of course.

I take the cigarette and place it behind my ear for when I reach my house. Just as I approach my street water drips onto my shoulder.


The sky pours down rain and I'm drenched by the time I reach my porch. Opening the door I go straight to my bathroom and lock the door behind me with a feeling of relief.

I fill the tub with cold water and slowly lower my clothed self in before gasping a loud 'Fuck'

I can't control my life but I can control this moment right now. I am in charge of my pain.

'FUCKKK' an almost primal scream escapes me.

The sounds bounce off the tile as I continue screaming until I physically can't anymore.

My ribs are filled with sharp pains and every inhale I take feels as if I'm being stabbed.

I feel my throat tighten and turn my head over the ledge of the bathtub before throwing up. A deep red liquid spreads across the floor as I lean back into the tub losing consciousness once more.

Patrick's pov

She really is an idiot. As soon as she peered out of the bathroom I knew what she was up to. Can't escape that easily love.

She walks out of my door and I step out several feet behind her. I watch as her body shakes in the cold and I keep silent, watching her.

When she reaches her house I kneel behind a mailbox waiting for the perfect time to sneak in. She gets inside and I walk around to the side of her house waiting for a light to flick on.

When I see the bathroom light appear I take this as my sign to go in and stop in her bedroom waiting for her to come out and find me. I light up a cigarette and take my time finishing it off.


I'm at first startled by the scream but then become intrigued. I love knowing that I caused this. She is so close to being broken and it's all because of me.

A shiver runs down my spine as she screams a second time, the sound ringing in my ears.

Everything is so still in this moment. I mess with my lighter watching the fire dance around losing track of time.

Bruised (Patrick Hockstetter)Where stories live. Discover now