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With Yellow Diamond, she was currently experiencing no hiccups or hangups as she and her fleet had successfully secured the area around their planet of choice and had taken the first steps of colonizing it. She stood with her arms folded behind her back, a small smile on her face as she stood atop one of the erected watchtowers and watched as the gem soldiers unloaded and started placing down the machinery to help colonize the planet.

She watched as the soldiers worked with precision and efficiency, their gem powers allowing them to effortlessly move and manipulate the heavy equipment. Yellow Diamond was pleased with their progress, but she knew that there was still much work to be done.

"Make sure that the resource allocation is being done properly," she said to one of her subordinates. "We cannot afford to waste any resources here."

"Yes, my Diamond," the subordinate replied with a bow before turning to relay the orders to the rest of the team.

Yellow Diamond continued to watch as the soldiers worked, her mind already thinking ahead to the next steps of the colonization process. She knew that there were still dangers lurking on this planet and that they needed to be prepared for anything.

"Send out scouting parties to survey the area," she said to another subordinate who had approached her. "We need to know what we're dealing with."

The subordinate nodded and quickly left to carry out the orders. Yellow Diamond turned back to watching the soldiers work, confident that her plan for this new colony would be a success.

"Hey Yellow," the voice of Citrus caused her to turn slightly, glancing over her shoulder at the Citrine as strode up to her.

"Citrus? Back so soon from your investigation of the forest?" Yellow said with some surprise in her tone.

"Yeah, we didn't find anything out of the ordinary," Citrus replied, "Just regular old organic life. Though we did find a really large organic," she said as she shrugged her shoulders. "It didn't show any aggression so we left it alone as it slinked off into one of the cave formations, you should've seen it, it was cool."

Yellow Diamond raised an eyebrow in curiosity. "Interesting. Keep an eye on it, and report back if anything else stands out," she instructed, her mind already working on future plans and endeavors.

Citrus nodded and walked away, and Yellow turned her attention back to overseeing the colonization efforts. As she watched, she couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at the progress they were making. This planet would soon become a valuable asset to Homeworld's expanding empire.

She beamed at the thought of Black Diamond being proud of her, already imagining his smile and soft voice praising her for her efforts. But then she shook her head, she had things to do and orders to giver, she turned and made her way down the watch tower and looked around, "where is pearl?" she muttered to herself as she walked. Her large strides caused some of the gems to step aside as she walked through them.

On the outskirts of the Homeworld territory, a much smaller, yet more heavily armed fleet of Gem ships crossed the expanses of space. At the center of the fleet stood another Peridot shipmaster, she stood taller than the average Peridot and much different from the regular shipmaster uniform, hers was a stark black and grey color.

As the fleet cruised through the void, the Peridot shipmaster monitored the readings on her console, scanning for any signs of potential threats or targets. She had been given specific orders by Black Diamond himself to patrol the borders of their territory and to be on the lookout for any intruders or hostile forces.

"Shipmaster, we seem to be experiencing some form of drag," one of the technicians said as she walked up with a holopad in her hands. Peridot blinked and turned to look down at her, "Drag? In space?" she said as she took the holopad from her hands and floated it up in front of her with the rest of the holopads.

Hands of creation (A steven universe x original male diamond character story)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu