A Cry For Help

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Pix's Perspective-

Pix unleashed his dog after taking her for a walk.

She was a white Borzoi named Pebbles. Pix got her for his 10th birthday.

She ran over to her water bowl after being unleashed.

Pix smiled and jumped as his phone rang.

"Hello?" He answered.

"Hey Pix; it's Mumbo."

"Er- is everything alright?" Pix asked, noticing his friends' sad tone.

Mumbo sighed, "I don't know. Bir- Grian just texted me about an ice-skating date he went on with his boyfriend."

It sounded as though Mumbo's voice was shaking and that he was on the verge of tears.

"Hey, hey, first take a deep breath and calm down."

Mumbo took a deep breath and said, "I know I should be happy for him, but it's hard."

"I know it's hard," Pix said, sitting down on his couch, "You love him and he's going out with someone else."

"I just- I'm his best friend; I should be happy for him."

"But you can't be happy since he broke your heart. I would feel the same way if that happened to me and Oli."

Normally, Mumbo would make fun of Oli and Pix for being completely oblivious about their crushes on each other, but Mumbo didn't say anything.

Pix waited a moment before pressing on,
"And anyway, you're not supposed to be anything."

"But I'm Bird- AH! Why do I keep doing that?!"
Mumbo groaned and a sob escaped his lips.

"Grian, I mean. I'm supposed to be Grian's best friend. I should be happy for him."

"But you can't because he hurt you. Right now, you should get outside; go for a walk or bike around. I know you love to bike."

"But- I'm supposed to be there for him- "

"But he doesn't need anyone right now. He's happy, and you need to get over him to be happy. Realize that you're just friends."

Mumbo sighed again and Pix said, "Give me a sec, I'll bike over to your place so we can hang out and get ice cream or something."

"You don't have to- "

"I'll see you in ten."

Pix hung up and patted Pebbles's head, "I'll be back in a couple of hours. Mom should be home soon."

He kissed her and she licked his cheek.

He giggled as he walked to his garage and grabbed his bike.

He strapped on his helmet and started peddling towards Mumbo's house.


"You really don't have to do this." Mumbo said, seeing Pix bike up to him.

"Yes, I do. I owe you for all those times you helped me. You're going through a hard time and it's my job to help."

Mumbo smiled weakly as he got on his bike.

"Where are we going?"

"Ice cream. It's about a 15-minute ride. It'll be perfect for you to get some fresh air and get your head on straight."

Mumbo sighed as they started biking.

"Come on." Pix smiled as he biked next to Mumbo, "You can't say that you're not feeling better."

Mumbo smiled softly.

"How's it going with Oli?" Mumbo asked.

Pix blushed a bit, "Oh, shut up about that."

"What if I told you it's the only thing that makes me feel better?"

Pix rolled his eyes, his face red.

"Come onnnnnn. What's been going on with you two? Are you a thing yet?"


"Fine, I'll help you."


Mumbo smirked, "If you're not going to get together on your own, I'll help you."

"No thanks."

"Please? I at least want my friends to be in a happy and healthy relationship."

Pix sighed as they biked up to ice cream shop.

"Only if you're happy. I need you feeling better."

"You don't need me to feel better."

"Yes, I do."

Pix stopped Mumbo before they walked into the store.

"Mumbo, you're my best friend. I've never seen you get all messed up like this. You always help me and now it's my turn to help you."

Mumbo smiled, "Thanks Pix, but I'm fine."

"Really? Because about 10 minutes ago you were really upset about Grian breaking your heart and- "

"Birdie didn't break my heart!" Mumbo lashed out, tears in his eyes.

He sighed and wiped his eyes, "Grian, I mean. Grian didn't break my heart."

He put on a smile, "I'm fine. Now come on."

Pix watched as his friend entered the ice cream shop and sighed.

Guess it's better to just ignore what happened with Grian.

I said I would only update this story twice so here it is! Next chapter tho is really cute. It's a filler one full of Olix fluff! I really like it and I think you guys will as well. But for now, I hope you like this chapter and the way the story's coming together!

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