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Slow day today for me. I updated Connected as well, go check it out and enjoy this chapter!!


Mumbo's Perspective-

Through the week, Mumbo and Grian had fun exploring the town together.

They joked and had fun connecting again.

Mumbo's old feelings for Grian slowly came back, but he tried his best to ignore them as they were just friends.

He already likes Scar. Mumbo kept reminding himself.

But the feelings didn't seem to go away.

"I do miss Maui and Pearl though. But Scar's taking care of- "

Grian cut himself off and jumped as his phone went off.

They were hanging out in Mumbo's room in his vacation home.

They had two days left before they split up again.

"Oh! Speak of the devil." Grian smiled and blushed as he answered the phone.

"Hey Scar!" Grian answered as he put Scar on speaker.

"Hey G! How's your vacation going?"

"Good. Mumbo's here with me." Grian said.

"Hello!" Mumbo smiled, trying not to sound bitter.

So this is the man Birdie loves.

"Mumbo's gonna be making a robot I drew!" Grian said.

"Cool! I'm sure it looks great!" Scar said and Grian blushed.

Mumbo smiled weakly as his heart ached.

No. We have to do this for Birdie.

"Er- I gotta use the restroom." Mumbo said.

"Okay!" Grian smiled as Mumbo got up and walked out.

Mumbo closed the door behind him and heard Grian start talking cheerfully.

"I'm really excited to come back home and hang out with you!" Grian said, making Mumbo hurt even more.

"Same here!" Mumbo heard Scar say.

Mumbo's hands balled up into fists.

No, no, stop. Mumbo told himself, desperately trying to stay calm.

He walked to the restroom as he was shouting at himself.

I need to do this for Birdie. We need him to be happy.

'But we wanna be with him.'

We can't.

Mumbo started taking deep breaths, trying to focus and calm down.

After a couple of minutes, there was a knock at the door.

Mumbo opened it and saw Grian.

"Scar had to go- Er, are you alright?" Grian asked, seeing his friend's face.

"Y-yeah. I'm fine, Birdie." Mumbo said, wiping his eyes.

Grian's face filled with concern.

"Something's up." He said, "You can tell me what's wrong."

"I- I'm fine."

"Come on Mumbo. We've been friends forever."

"I- "

Mumbo took a deep breath and grabbed Grian's hands.

Grian looked down at them and then looked at Mumbo, his eyes widening.

"Mumbo, what- "

"I really like you, Birdie. I did when we were kids and I do now. I know you like Scar, and I'm sorry. I just- the feelings came back over the past couple of days, and I can't bury them. I'm really sorry, Birdie. I know you don't like me back."

Tears formed in Grian's eyes as he removed his hands from Mumbo's.

"I- I'm so sorry Mumbo, but I don't like you like that anymore. Like you said, I like Scar and I would rather just be friends with you. I'm really sorry."

Mumbo forced a smile through his tears, "It's okay, Grian."

Grian's eyes widened as that was the first time Mumbo had called Grian by his name since they were kids.

"I- I should go." Grian said, awkwardly.

"Bye Mumbo. I don't think I'll see you tomorrow." Grian said, walking downstairs and towards the front door, "Nice talking again. We'll keep in touch."

And he left.

Mumbo walked down the stairs and stopped halfway, curling up into a ball and crying.

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