It cant be..

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Clementine slowly opened her eyes and lifted her head. Once her eyes readjusted to the light, she realised she was in an unfamiliar place. A large room with multiple bunk beds, a small window that barely let in any light and an iron bar door that was locked shut. She tried to sit up but an immense amount of pain overcame her. She winced and groaned in pain, drawing the attention of Aj.

"Clem!" He smiled as he ran to her.

He knelt down on her level and gave her a gentle hug, careful not to hurt her.

"What happened..?" She mumbled.

Aj looked down at her blood soaked shirt and back up at her. "We got kidnapped." He frowned. "You got stabbed trying to protect me."

"Kidnapped?" She mumbled.

"Yeah, more people were too." Aj frowned.

Clementine was about to speak but two boys appeared from behind him. She tried her best to protect him, but couldn't she was in too much pain.

"Woah, be careful." He said.

"What do you want?" She asked.

"What? Nothing?" He said confused.

"Clem, this is Marlon and Louis." Aj interjected.

"Making friends with the people who kidnapped us?" She asked.

"What? No, we were kidnapped too." Louis said, offended.

"We were ambushed at our school, some got away but us four were caught." Marlon said as he turned and looked behind him.

"Oh." Clementine mumbled.

Marlon offered a hand and she took it, still in immense pain. Once she was standing, she looked down at her shirt and saw the blood stain. She carefully lifted it up and saw she was stabbed, but it was stitched up. As if someone had helped her.

"Who did this?" Clementine asked while looking at her stitches.

"Not sure, you were thrown in here after us." Louis shrugged.

"I think the bad people did it." Aj nodded.

"Bad people?" Marlon asked.

"People who kidnapped us." Aj added.

2 people sitting on beds behind Louis caught Clementines eye.

"Are they with you?" Clementine asked.

"Yeah, thats Violet and Brody." Marlon nodded.

They helped Clementine over to the bed and made small talk about how they got here.

"You said you were ambushed?" Clementine asked while adjusting herself on the bed.

"Yeah these raiders, came in the middle of the night. Bastards." Marlon muttered.

"Whats your story?" Violet asked.

"I don't remember." Clementine shrugged.

"We were driving and some people jumped out in front of the car. They threw some rocks at us and we crashed." Aj interjected.

"Hang on, driving?" Brody asked.

Aj nodded.

"Where the fuck did you get a working car?" Violet asked.

"Found it a couple years ago, needed some work but i got it running." Clementine shrugged.

"Damn okay." Louis nodded.

They were about to speak but keys rattling at the door stopped them. Everyone fell silent. Everyone turned and looked at the noise.

"Holy shit, it's really you." He chuckled.

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