Chapter 7

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Anastasia's POV

I knew I had to do something. She wasn't walking away from this but I didn't want her dead. She doesn't deserve the mercy of death. I moved fast, going behind her and holding her head in my hands where I could rip it from her shoulders or snap her neck.

"Now Kat, I have two options, rip your head off your shoulders or snap your neck. I would say it's up to you but I don't feel like you should die after all Klaus would be sad his little game of chase is over and plus if you're dead who would I have to mess with when your ego gets too big," I spoke slowly and I heard her heart rate speed up and I saw all the avengers hold their weapons up a little higher. "Now Avenger's you may think that what I am about to do is well monstrous but you have no idea who the woman is and plus breaking her neck wouldn't kill her, and your weapons wouldn't do much to me anyway except hurt like a bitch."

"Ana if you're going to do something to me do it now there's no need for you to hesitate unless you can't do it and maybe those men were right you are a weak, little, gir-" she didn't finish as I snapped her neck the anger of her words hitting me hard.

"Sorry what was that Kat you didn't finish, oh wait you can't. Now anyway where were we, right you wanted to talk, and Kat has told you what I am so that's just great and I have an image of me to wipe off the internet. But I see that none of you seem to trust me, well that's fine, not a lot of people do anyway, but I will warn you if you come after me you'll regret it." They seemed to have not liked my threat as they all moved closer in making the circle smaller, some of their feet hitting Kat's limb body. "Oh so you don't like that, but if you think that you have a chance against me because I am a girl and alone then clearly you have never heard of me."

"Who's Klaus and who are you really." Captain America asks the ever calm team captain.

"I am Anastasia Petrova, the girl born on a full moon with the power of a god and the strength of a monster. Oh and Klaus well why don't you meet him yourself, oh and maybe you can meet the rest of my friends." At my words all of the others came out of their hiding spots to make a bigger circle around the Avengers.

I teleport outside of the circle of avengers and join my friends standing between Klaus and Rebekah, they both smirked, the scary ones, as they stared at the shocked Avengers.

"Nice to meet you Avengers, now you asked who I was. I am Niklaus Mikaeleson and I am the Original Hybrid, Vampire and Werewolf. And you mess with Ana you mess with all of us and trust me you may be strong and have gods on your side but that is nothing compared to us." Klaus took a step forward watching all the Avengers take one step back smirking when his threat worked.

"Now, now brother, remember what Ana said before, no killing them as much as they deserve it we promised." Rebekah stepped forward pulling me with her as she held my hand and stood next to Klaus with a smirk matching Klaus's.

"She's right plus sadly the world does need them even though they can't seem to realize the people they are trying to find aren't us and that HYDRA and the Red Room are far more important. But oh well they don't need my help anyway since I am such a monster." The looks on their faces ranged, some held anger, others held fear, and some held confusion.

"Oh well, they're lost anyway let's go cause I am starving and might just eat someone if we don't leave soon." Damon interrupts once again, but he's right, I need blood and to leave before my emotions become too much.

"Well you heard the pain in the ass, let's go, wait what do we do with Kat's body, we can't really just leave it." Bekah's right, with a little magic I sent her to the middle of the desert, so as everyone watched her disappear I just smirked. Klaus looks over at with a brow raised in question, I just smirk and speak.

"What Bekah said we couldn't leave her here so I moved her." I shrugged trying to seem innocent. Though I fail miserably.

"Yeah I see that but where did you send her Ana." Klaus asked not believing that I just 'sent her away'.

"The desert." I answer.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2023 ⏰

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