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Atsushi was walking in the woods it was late at night the only thing with him was a rope, Atsushi was in a familiar forest he had been here on missions and he found the perfect tree to hang on he had everything planned out again Atsushi wrote in his notebook and reread it to make sure that he had everything he wanted to say was their half of the notebook was filmed Atsushi found the tree it had a strong branch it was perfect he got up into the tree and tied the rope he put the rope around his neck and dropped down Atsushi held onto the rope so his neck wouldn't snap he struggled and was running out if air he was kicking his legs and then BANG his rope was shot Atsushi fell to the ground gasping for air he looked around to see who shot his rope all he saw was and angry ginger running towards him "YOU KID WHAT THE HELL!!!!" He was standing in front of Atsushi hands in his pocket yelling this reminded Atsushi of the headmaster all Atsushi had been thinking about it what the headmaster had said and did all of it replaying in his mind, Atsushi curled up into a ball not crying in fear of getting smacked Chuuya was still yelling then he paused and sighed "Why are you just like that fucking wast of bandages!" Chuuya settled down next to Atsushi who was still culled up not looking at him and pat him on the head "Okay kid come with me" Atsushi just nodded his neck was all bruised since it was not the first time he had done this by the way Chuuya could tell, Atsushi grabbed his notebook and walked with Chuuya not saying a word Chuuya decided to call done and speak a bit softer since Atsushi kept flinching when he raised his voice "Kid why would you do that?" Chuuya said in a stern voice Atsushi spoke quietly "To end it all."

Chuuya looked confused he knew Atsushi came from an orphanage that didn't treat him right but he didn't understand what exactly Atsushi went through in the orphanage it must have been bad to turn to suicide Chuuya took him to a park after getting through the forest and made him sit down on a bench Atsushi spoke up "Please don't tell anyone!" Chuuya looked at him and put a hand on his shoulder Atsushi had terror in his eyes Chuuya would need to tell someone like Dazai but he couldn't just tell Dazai since he still didn't trust him with kids since how he treated Akutagawa then again he had changed but instead Chuuya decides to say "Fine I won't but I'm going to help you get better you can't just go dying around places" Atsushi was relieved Chuuya wouldn't tell anyone but he had only three hours till he had to go to work but Chuuya spoke once again "Kid one you're free to meet me here I'm gonna help ya alright?!" Atsushi looked at Chuuya and quietly said "Thank you I will come but I need to get ready for work." Chuuya nodded and let Atsushi go.Atsushi made it back to his apartment and quickly headed to his bathroom Atsushi looked around everywhere but he couldn't find the makeup that he has been using to cover up his scars he used it all and forgot to buy more he was lucky to wear a scarf to hide his bruised neck he still had time so he took a quick nap and then went out to work he quickly ended up going to a store to get the makeup and got everything he needed to cover his neck and arms since fell he had cut up his hands a bit so Atsushi walked to the agency not wanting to get yelled at by Kunikida by being late and he had put his makeup in his bag so he won't be suspicious about a bag in his hand in case Chuuya does end up telling someone from the agency or worst Dazai.Atsushi quickly ends up at the agency and gets inside it was a cold day but Atsushi was wearing a scarf that was hiding his whole neck no one said anything so Atsushi got right back to working on some papers so he could act as natural as possible till he felt a tap on his shoulder it was Tanizaki "Hey Atsushi why are you still wearing a scarf it pretty hot right now since we turned on the heaters?" Tanazaki was right it was cold but a scarf it to much Atsushi was sweating from the heat but replied "Nah I'm just really cold today." Atsushi said with a light smile hoping he would just go away.After a while Atsushi put the makeup in his pocket and went to the bathroom he went into a stall and reached into his pocket for his phone but he left it at his desk Atsushi was panicking but he needed to cover up the marks on his neck so he made sure to lock the bathroom door and he took off the scarf and then got to work his neck was slightly better but you could clearly tell he was strangled so he had to make sure he hid from Ranpo because he didn't want him saying anything to the president ot Dazai, once Atsushi was halfway finished some one came out of the stall Atsushi looked in horror it wasn't Ranpo nor the president it was Dazai, Dazai out of all the people at the agency he didn't know what to do Dazai just stared at him looking at Atsushi's neck he then spoke up "Atsushi? What happened to your neck?!" Atsushi just stared he dropped the makeup and ran Atsushi ran as fast as he could unlocking the door Dazai chasing after him, Atsushi knew Dazai could come to his house anytime so he quickly ran to the place Chuuya said to come to when he needed help Atsushi ran and ran Dazai running after him Atsushi used his ability to run faster to get away from him.After a while, it's gotten late and Atsushi was really tired from the non-stop running he did to get away from Dazai he made it to the park bench and sat down curled up into a ball, and started crying his eyes out he stayed out like that for hours till a familiar ginger came walking towards him "Hey Kid sorry it took me a while! " He said carrying a bag from the convenience store nearby, Chuuya sat down next to him but didn't say anything he put the bag on the bench and took out whatever was in it, Atsushi was hesitant and spoke out "Dazai saw it." Chuuya didn't look at him and handed him over a sandwich and said "I know he called me." Atsushi looked at him confused "Why would he call you?" Chuuya sighed and replied "I don't know he was panicking I guess and called me to see if I would help " Atsushi was really confused why would Dazai panic I mean they are just colleagues and work together but that's it, Atsushi did see Dazai as somewhat of a father figure but he has never had one so he doesn't know how one would feel like so he brushes it off.Chuuya looked at Atsushi and spoke again "Kid you should really get professional hel-" "NO" Atsushi was shaking when he yelled he will never get 'Professional' help again not after what happened last time to him Atsushi once tried and that man ended up telling his whole office about him and so whenever he went there he felt extremely uncomfortable he was so scared he stopped talking to the therapist and took a day off from work Atsushi tried to drown himself that day but survived because he didn't do it properly.Chuuya was confused he didn't know if he had said something wrong but he tried comforting Atsushi Atsushi ran away as fast as he could away from Chuuya away from Dazai just away from everyone Atsushi was sick and tired of everyone and everything he just want's to end it all he wants a place he could be free.He arrives at an abandoned building he walks in and sat down on the floor he sat there for what felt like hours Atsushi began to feel guilty for running away from his problems he just could rap his head around what to do Dazai sees his neck he probably already told the whole agency and the cafe! Atsushi then heard a bang it was the door to the entrance of the building Atsushi was scared it was just like reliving the orphanage the headmaster banged on the door he locked Atsushi in that was dark but Atsushi had very good eyes he wasn't afraid of the dark but the loud banging.Atsushi hid behind a desk but then the door broke it was Kenji soon the rest of the agency came but they were all talking at the same time this made Atsushi lose it he was covering his ears so he wouldn't hear them but he heard the crying the scolding it was all too much Atsushi couldn't take it anymore they were in a very tall building it was abandoned so if something broke it would be okay right Atsushi thought for a moment and walked over to the glass window and broke it everyone was panicking Kunkida tried running over Kyouka as well even Rampo tied to grab him but it was to late.Atsushi Nakmgima was pronounced dead on 4/28/XXXX it was a gloomy afternoon the whole agency and some of the port mafia and some of the people from the cafe Lucy was crying her eyes out it was a sad day for all it will never be the same.

1668 word! I don't know if I was able to do more but I probably could have made this better I made it in school > : D 

Also sorry if I spelled names wrong 


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