Chapter 7

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I layed in bed for a while, quietly while fiddling with the ends of my jumper sleeves. I got up and opened my curtain. I walked over to the bathroom past all the other empty beds. I went to the toilet then washed my hands. I splashed some water over my face and brushed my hair out of my face with my fingers. I walked back over to my bed and kneeled down in front of my trunk. I pulled out a pair of jeans and a grey jumper with no hood or pockets. I got changed then put my dirt clothes folded up on my trunk for the house eleves to take. I put my shoes on then left my dorm and walked down to the great hall with my arms folded to keep me warm.

I sat down across from Draco because he was sitting by himself. "Morning Draco." I said as I grabbed a piece of toast from the stack. "Morning Ellie." He replied while eating his breakfast. "No friends?" I asked while looking down at my toast. "You have no friends." He grumbled back at me. "I meant you're friends aren't here yet or have they already eaten?" I replied with a little laugh. "Not here yet, yours?" He replied while dusting crumbs off his fingers. "No clue. I'm going to go watch quidditch soon. They're most likely there already." I responded before biting my toast. He nodded then took a sip from his drink.

"Surprised you're not there already. Slytherins playing and you've been talking about how your team was going to beat Gryffindor by a mile since Wednesday." I said as he put his cup down. "Yeah, but don't really want to stand down there by myself and it gets boring after a bit." Draco said. "I'll go watch the second half before the snitch gets caught." He replied as he stood up. "Okay. Where you going now then?" I asked before taking a sip from my cup. "To my dorm for a while, I have a few assignments to catch up on." He said as I nodded and said goodbye.

I wandered down to the quidditch pitch behind everyone. I climbed up the stairs to the Slytherin stands and pushed past everyone carefully to where my friends were standing. "Hey Ellie." Clover smiled at me as walked over and stood next to her and Tj. "Hey. Modesty still in bed?" I said while crossing my arms trying to keep warm. "Yep, like usual. Plus Myah went to the library to finish her assignments." Clover said while peering down at the game as a couple of players flew past us on their brooms. "Hey Ellie. When did you get here?" Tj said when she noticed I was next to her. She had been staring at the game the whole time trying to find the snitch, like she usually did when we watched the games.

"Morning. I literally just got here." I smiled at her before she nodded then turned back around. I spent half the game standing there, talking to Clover and now and then. I had been staring at the twins for most of it, trying to figure out which one was which cause they were moving around a lot the entire time and I couldn't see their faces. I know they have different numbers but I couldn't really remember who had which.

One of the twins stopped down in front of us as he hit a bludger away. He glanced down at me then quickly moved away. It was Fred, now that I could see his face, I knew it was him. "Where you going?" Clover asked as I started walking away. "Back to my dorm. I don't want to watch this anymore." I replied as she nodded and turned around. I pushed my way back through the crowded stands, slowly making my way over to the stairs. I walked down the steps, passing a couple of people. I walked back towards the castle while kicking a rock along the path.

"Hey Ellie." Asher smiled as he walked towards me from the way I was going. "Morning Asher. Going to watch the second half?" I smiled as we both stopped next to eachother. "Yep. Slept in by accident. I'm going to watch it with my friends, Jackson and Brendon. You not going to watch the rest." He smiled happily at me. "Nah, got a bit bored and my legs were hurting." I smiled back at him. "Okay. Bye Ellie." Asher smiled as he ran off down the path. "Bye Asher." I smiled before walking back towards the castle again.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2023 ⏰

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