Chapter 1

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Ellie looked around the room off Hogwarts students, mainly the boys as they drooled over her and the other girls from Ilvermorny. They danced into the middle of the room as Dumbledore introduced them to Hogwarts. They sat down at one of the long tables as the Durmstrang boys marched into the hall. The Triwizard Tournaments were being held at Hogwarts that year. She wasn't happy about having to be going to another school filled with mudbloods, blood traitors, and half bloods. Not to mention the one and a half schools of boys there since she was used to mostly pure blooded girls at Ilvermorny. Ellie was already pissed off enough that her parents were transferring her and her siblings to Hogwarts the next year.  Only because their youngest sibling, Asher, was starting his first year at Hogwarts this year and they wanted all of them to be together. Now she was going to have to spend another year there.

She sat down with her group of friends Myah, Tj, Clover and Modesty. Everyone else finished sitting down and the head master of Hogwarts started talking about the tournament, about how you have to be 17 and over to put your name in the cup. You could here a bunch of people yelling out "this is ridiculous", "Rubbish", "Boo" and a bunch of other shit. "This whole thing is ridiculous" Ellie grumbled again as a bunch of girls around her started giggling as their head master told them to be quite. After dinner Durmstrang an Ilvermorny left the great Hall and the Hogwarts students followed behind as they all walked off to the common rooms or their dorms.

Ellie said goodbye to her friends then walked off to the library to find a book. She had heard that Hogwarts had a bigger library then Ilvermorny's library. Which was great cause she like reading, spent most of her free time doing it. She walked along the book shelves quietly as only a thew other students were in there. She ran her fingers along the old books before running straight into someone and falling over. A thew books fell on top of her as she swore at them under her breath annoyed. A deep voice quickly apologized pulling the books off her and helping her back onto her feet. "I'm so sorry Ma'am" He apologized again as she watched him pick all the books up while he was crouched down. Ellie  watched as he stood up to his full Hight that was at least 6ft. Compared to him she was tiny. He had red hair and was wearing the red Hogwarts house sweater with a pair of grey sweatpants. Ellie was quick to realise that he was a Weasley, from the sweater and the red hair. One of his cousins or nieces or something used to go to Ilvermorny as well but only lasted a year before transferring to Hogwarts.

"Sorry, Fred Weasley Ma'am, you?" He offered a smile and his hand. "Ellie, and no, I'm most certainly not touching a Weasley" she groaned as he chuckled placing his hands in his pocket whiling  leant against the shelf. "That's a bit rude don't you think Elizabeth" Fred laughed as she scrunched her nose up annoyed. "My name's not Elizabeth, and I don't like talking to blood traitors like you and your family" Ellie grumbled walking away from him and picking up a book in the next isle over. "Aww, blood traitor, that's a bit harsh, don't you think Elliott?" Fred said leaning against the shelf next to her again, folding his arms across his chest. "My name's not Elliott or Elizabeth or any other name, it's Ellie, and leave me alone, weirdo" she explained closing her book and walking off behind him a couple metres. "Elliana Buckley, let's go, hurry up" Ellie's older sister called out down the isle before turning around and walking away. "Shit" Ellie said under her breath, hoping her older sister, Davina/Vina, didn't see her mingling with a blood traitor. She would tell their father and Ellie would be in a lot of trouble for even saying one word to someone of his kind. "Bye Bye, Elliana Buckley" Fred smirked as she walked back down the isle flipping him off as she turned the corner to the door.

She followed behind Vina into their dorm they were sharing with their younger sister. In the old Slytherin tower that Dumbledore had assigned to Ilvermorny to stay in throughout the year for the tournaments. Ellie watched quietly, as Vina walked into the bathroom. Their 15 year old sister Esmay, was a sleep already in her bed with her hair everywhere. Their 12 year old twin sisters, Kova and Zerenity, Kova was asleep as well layed across Esmay. Zerenity was playing wizards chess on the ground with her cat, Ginger. "Hey Vina, there's a welcoming party in the dungeons tonight with all the students, apparently everyone is going to get drunk and party without the teachers knowing" Ellie explained. Vina had already know and walked out the bathroom in a short dark blue dress that was sitting a couple centimetres above her knees. She flipped her straight dark brown hair onto her back as she fiddled with her dress. "I know Ellie, so hurry up and get dressed cause I'm going now,  don't come and annoy me while we're there" Vina said before leaving the dorm and shutting the door behind her.

Ellie walked into the bathroom and put on a purple silk dress that was sitting higher then what she normally felt comfortable with. She put a pair of black heels on and touched up her makeup before walking back out. "You going to be alright here, Zerenity?" Ellie smiled down at her. "Yeah" Zerenity smiled back up at her. "Okay, don't stay up to late and don't wake your sisters up, we'll be back later" Ellie smiled, squatting down and kissing her sister on the head. "I won't, have fun" Zerenity smiled as Ellie walked out their dorm room. Ellie walked quietly to the dungeons as the music got louder as she came closer to the party. She turned the corner as she could see everyone dancing, drinking and talking as they danced about to the music. She walked straight over to the drink table and poured herself a drink before turning around and walking straight into someone. "Watch it" she grumbled as the guy grabbed her arm as she almost fell over backwards.

"Sorry" He apologized as she looked up at the tall and masculine, red headed boy infront of her. She pulled her arm out of his grip and stared at him, it was the same boy from the library earlier. "Fucking Weasley's, I swear they're everywhere" Ellie grumbled before pushing past him. "Bye Elliott" Fred laughed as he watched her walk away to her group of friends on the other side of the room. "Hey Sexy" Tj smiled as Ellie walked over and sat down between Tj and Modesty. Modesty swang her legs up and across Ellie's lap, clearly drunk already. They sat against a wall talking while watching everyone dance. Clover and Myah came crashing over and tripped over on top of the other three, laughing about something. Clover sat down on Tj's lap while Myah sat next modesty. Modesty layed her head back on Myah's shoulder while they talked to each other. "Mother fucker, that was my drink" Myah said picking her cup back up after Modesty accidentally bumped it. "Alright, I'm going to get refills, who needs one?" Ellie said as she climbed out from between everyone. She picked up all their empty cups then walked off through the crowd to the drink table again.

"Ooi watch this" Fred said to Lee, George and Alicia. Smirking as he walked off to the drink table while he watched Ellie walk to it. "That's a lot of drinks for one person, Elliott" Fred smirked leaning on the table, looking at her before taking a sip from his cup. "Fuck off Weasley, they're not all for me" Ellie groaned not looking up from the cups while she poured the drinks. He walked around the table to where she was and placed his hands on the table either side of her, pressing his body into hers. "Uh...." Ellie stuttered, placing the cup in her hand on the table again. "Mmh, what was that?" Fred smirked, whispering in her ear while he moved pieces of hair out of her face. "Fu(king hell Fred" Lee laughed with their friends while they watched him tease and pester her while she tried to ignore him. Fred started kissing her neck lightly as she tilted her head back a bit. The other three walked off to dance and left Fred to do what he was doing. "Wea...sly" Ellie stuttered opening her eyes again. He hummed in response before she picked up the cups and pushed self away from him. "See ya Elizabeth" He smirked at her.

Ellie rolled her eyes as she made her way back to the group. She passed the cups back before sitting back where she was before. "I saw that, at the drink table" Tj whispered to her while the rest of the girls were busy talking. Ellie's eyes winded a bit. "Watch it though, I don't care but your sister and most these girls will care, if they see you with a blood traitor, acting like that" Tj whispered again before sipping her drink. Ellie pressed her lips against her cup as she looked around the room. She locked eyes with Fred again while he was drinking. He made a kissy face at her before turning around to his friends.

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