Chapter 1: The final deal

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"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Mikey yelled when he saw the floating figure and quickly punched it, sending it flying to the wall, which he passed through it. He painted for a second panting, until the figure came back. He noticed it was a teen more or less his age, maybe fourteen? He was fifth teen. He was about to kick him again before he said "Wait wait wait!"
The ghost talked?! What the actual fuck?!
"Don't punch me again! It hurt-" He said before getting punched again
"You're a fucking ghost! How can it hurt?!" The blonde asked "And what are you doing here?! Why are you here?!"
"Because you summoned me!" The ghost replied scratching his cheeks were the blonde punched him
"I- WHAT?!"
"You summoned me! Remember?! Yesterday night? Or we'll today very very very early? I came to grant you the three wishes for god's sake!"
Mikey thought of yesterday, so the rumors were ducking true?! "So you're Hanagaki-san..?"
"Well yeah, eHM, let me present my self" the ghost teen floated back to where he was before and placed a hand on his chest and the other one in his back, he closed his eyes and smiled "My name is Hanagaki-San from the alleyway~ you've summoned me so now I'm here to grant you a wish~"
"A wish? Like only one? The rumors said that they were three-" he was interrupted by the apparition "Listen here I don't make the rules, I have to fulfill one wish from you and then I'm free to go"
"Uhhh, I don't know what to wish for" he said which seemed to surprise the raven "Really? You don't want money? Richness? Love? To be the top gang in whole Japan? Gold? Anything?"
"Not really, I don't feel like I need it, I like how is the life that I ave right now, and if I took the easy route and chose to wish to become the best gang then I wouldn't deserve it, wouldn't I? I would like to fight for the top, but thank you"
The ghost was surprised by this, most of the people he granted wishes to asked for those things, this kid might be different than the others.
"Do I have to choose a wish before any specific time?" The blonde asked
"Not really" the raven replied
"So...Hanagaki is your name?"
"Nope, I'm Hanagaki Takemichi"
"Then Takemichy-"
"It's Takemichi"
"But I like Takemichy more"
"Uhhh sure" the ghost replied awkwardly
"Let's go out! Today my friends are busy and I want to search for things to wish for since it's only one wish!" The blonde exclaimed
"Sure, can you lend me some clothes?" The blue eyed boy asked and made the blonde stop and turn around "Eh? Why? Aren't you invisible?"
"Until I grant your wish I'm visible to the living mortals" Take replied floating lazily.
"Of course! You look so stupid with that old school uniform, you are from 1950 right? That's when you-" but he couldn't finish because the raven out his  finger on his lips "shhh, don't, we can talk about that later~ now let's go have fun!"
Mikey felt how blood flowed up to his cheeks when the other teen took his finger away and started looking at his clothes "Damn, teens nowadays sure dress weird"
"Hmm I wonder why? Oh! Maybe because fifty years passed since when you were alive"
"So mean~"
He gave him a camuflage mikitar green cargo pants with a white t shirt and some black vans.
"It's pretty weird..." he said looking at himself in the mirror when he suddenly focused on something Mikey couldn't see. He walked next to him and saw he was looking at his computer, it wasn't one of those cool pro mac but it was pretty good for school, even though he skipped most of his classes "What is that?" Take asked pointing at the object "That's a computer"
"What's a computer?" The ghost asked curious as he floated toward sun and started checking it, when he finally managed to open it looked amazed at the screen "Uhh, a computer is like a screen we're you can play games or do home work, also watch Netflix"
"What's Netflix?" He asked
"It's an app where you can watch movies and series"
"An app? What is that?"
'It's going to be a long day' the blonde thought
"Why is your hair blonde? Maybe I should dye it blonde too?" The gist asked and after some seconds his hair started to turn into a piss yellow color "Look! Now we both have blonde hair! Thought I want to look like those dudes from your magazines"
"You read my magazines?!"
"Yeah, one that said delinquent fashion, or something like that" Takemichi floated towards the little table next to Mikey's bed and took a magazine and showed the guy in the photo, oh he must want a punk-hair style...just how his brother used it.
"Oh we need gel for this" when he saw that Take was about to ask what gel was he cut him off "Dint ask what gel is"
The two went to the bathroom and he fixed Takemichi's hair like he saw in the magazine. Such a shame because down it looked way better on him but who was he to judge a ghosts decisions?
"Hey now that I think about it I never told you my name" Mikey said
"Oh don't worry! I already know who you are Manjiro" He felt his face grow hot when he called him by his name "But Manjiro is too formal, I'll calm you Mikey like your friends do"
"Whoa Mikey! Look!" Takemichi exclaimed surprised, looking through a shop window "It looked like the tv I had but is kissing the box behind! This one is plain! So cooooolllll"
People looked at him weirdly but Mikey didn't care, he enjoyed seen his new made friend so happy and amazed by all the new modern stuff, and he wa alike that in every shop. They walked for a while more around the mall until Takemichi suddenly stopped. Mikey stopped too and went backwards to see what the ghost was looking at. It was a bike shop, and the gaze of te ocean eyed was stuck on a black bike with flame painting in the front, it looked pretty badass.
"Ahhh, so cool~ you know Mikey? I'm really happy you took me to this mall, all this futurist stuff is just so cool, and no one called me for years, it's nice to stretch a bit"
Mikey looked at the boy who's gaze never left the motorcycle. He smiled softly and replied "I'm glad you're enjoying yourself because I just decided what my wish will be"
The blonde ghost turned his head towards the other blonde who was slightly taller than him "Oh, really? Then go ahead I'll make it happen for you"
"I want to see my dead brother again, can you revive him? Like, bring him back from the dead?"
Takemichi looked at him with a sad expression in his face and shook his head "No...but I guess I can do something, it does not waste your wish though"
"I want to see my older brother again, even if it is just for a minute"
Fake nodded and closed his eyes and snapped his fingers, and everyone and everything seems to have stopped. Everyone was frozen, as if time was stopped. Suddenly little lights started to come down from the sky, more and more started to appear until they formed a tall and human figure.
"Shinchiro..." he said, tears streamed down his face as he ran towards his brother and hugged him tightly, and Shin returned the hug "I don't know what I'm doing here in the portal world, br I'm happy to see you Manjiro"
They ended the big and looked at each other "So? How are you? You look way older~ did you make that gang you wanted to create in the end?"
"Yes! Toman is a very strong gang! Full of strong members!"
"I'm glad to hear that, how are Emma and gramps?"
"Emma is still the same, cheerful and kind, then grandpa...we'll you know how he is, grumpier than ever"
"Hahaha i-" Shinchiro was interrupted by a loud roar. A huge skeleton like beast emerged from the floor, as if he came from some dark red and weird portal.
"How dare you in the bridge between mortal's world and death? How foolish of
It's dark and mechanical voice was heard. It was kind of a mix of dog, bird and something else bones forming a deformed skeleton with two crazy bloodthirsty eyes and king fangs.
It true to steal Shinchiro's soul with a hand that came from his mouth, but it was cut by a knife, a kitchen knife to be exact. Takemichi appeared like a flash, the clothes that Mikey lended him were leeré to be seen, he was just using that dark marrón old school uniform of his, with a cape that seemed that floated, and somehow his hair turned black again and was down, he was the same as when he met Mikey  "Sorry but I can't let you harm this soul I brought from heaven and take it to hell"
"I should've have known it was you Hanagaki, always playing we're you shouldn't"
"Guess i like to do what im told not to do" the teen replied with a mischievous smile
"I'm going to tear you in half and feed the pieces of your poor and impure soul to the fish!" The giant underground monster roared before charging towards Takemichi who didn't move, he didn't even flinch, and the monster was getting nearer each second "Ehat are you doing Takemichy?! Kill that thing! Or dodge!" Mikey exclaimed
"I can't, I don't feel like killing today and I can only kill it if you order me to save/protect you and your brother's soul, that would cost you a wish" The ghost replied sitting in the air with a bored expression "I can't die anyway because I'm an apparition, I don't have a soul, the kind of the soul is not a really smart creature"
"Sorry Mikey...I didn't know that by accepting this I would put you in such a danger" Shinchuro apologized "I- I better get going back"
"Yeah you should" Takemichi said, still not moving and the create appeared in the same second Shinchiro disappeared and went t were he came from. The creature siding physically hit Mikey, he went through him but took his soul, living it lifeless body on the ground.
"AHHH! TAKEMICHI HELP ME!" Mikey yelled scared, he punched the beast as hard as he could but soon noticed that fist fighting was doing nothing to the enormous king.
"You have to wish for it!" Takemichi said with boredom, laying on the air in a sleep position, while Mikey desperately tried to think of what to do when suddenly the King of souls left him on the floor and chains spears in his hands and legs, making him unable to move while the mister's eyes turned a glowing red and said some weird words in some foreign language.
"FINE! TAKEMICY-SAN! I WISH FOR YOU TOO SAVE MY SOUL AND BRUNG IT BACK TO MY BODY" the blonde yelled and there was a second kf silence, he aura turned dense and dark. Takemichi chuckled, grabbing his hat and looking st the scene with and amused smile, showing his sharp fangs.
"Good wish Mikey~ is such a shame that now what I take from you will be way bigger than expected" his voice wasn't the same it was a playful yet cold one, who would sent chills to every living and dead being.
Mikey was scared, not knowing if his decision was right or wrong, did he make the wrong wish..?
But Takemichi took out his kitchen knife and pointed at the monster "It's show time"
He ran towards the monster and with a quick slash he cut its head, making it fly and then roll once in the ground. Everything was black for a second for Mikey, until he opened his eyes and noticed he was back in his body. He turned his head to look at Takemichi who was cleaning his bloody knife. The ghost turned towards the teen who looked in a mix of terror and amazement, the raven smiled playfully and said "Now it's time for me to take something from you~"
Mikey gulped and looked scared at the ghost "I'm taking in exchange~ your freedom!" He smiled cheerfully
"Yep! You've picked my interest Mikey! So now you're stuck with me!"
"B-but what about my family?! We're will you live?!"
"Don't worry~ I got it all planned out, why don't you sleep for a while~?" The ghost said, and slowly Mikey felt the black dots filled his vision and how his head felt numb, until he fell to the hard floor, loosing consciousness.
The sun rays went through the windows as Mikey opened his eyes slowly, blinking, and remembering about what happened earlier. He sat up quickly and looked everywhere, he was with his usual pale green clothes and sandals next to his bed. He looked around and noticed it was the same day but in the afternoon, but most the fuck did he get to his house?! He stood up and walked out of his room when suddenly Emma called him "Mikeeeeyyyyy! Come downstairs!"
"Coming!" He replied to his sister and couldn't help but feel shocked when he saw Takemichi wearing a shirt with a red loose scarf and jeans outside his front door, his grandpa was standing next to Emma
"Manjiro, I forgot to tell you but your school is having a transfer student, and he is staying with us" the older explained.
"Hello! My name is Hanagaki Takemichi! Nice to meet you all" he said cheerfully.
'Man, I'm so doomed' Mikey thought before this chapter ended

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