Chapter 3

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4 Months Later**

Michelle’s POV:

' Well, it's been 4 months since I moved to One Tree Hill, and it hasn't been that bad. Turns out Dan is my dad, so I have a lousy father, and two half-brothers. They don't get along with each other, but they get along with me, which is a start. My mom is still gone on her business trip, so I am typically by myself, but I've got a whole group of friends. Haley is dating Nathan, Lucas, he keeps going between girls, well, Brooke and Peyton. And well, I'm single.  Turns out guys don't like it when girls play basketball, and when they have annoying brothers. Lucas joined the basketball team. It was this one on one game between Lucas and Nathan, the deal was, if Lucas won, he got to join the team, and Nathan left. But if Nathan won, then Lucas had to give basketball up for good. Well, Lucas won by one point, but he let Nathan stay on the team. Well Diary, it felt good to get all of that off my chest. I'll talk to you later. Also, I have been having a hard time keeping my mental health up. With my mom being gone for such a long time, god knows where, and just the responsibility of everything, keeping the house clean, making sure everything is in order, having to pay the bills. I don’t get to be a teenager. I can’t even express on how stupid I was, for the first time I met Nathan. I jumped into a river hoping to drown myself, and he pulled me to rescue, I feel so stupid. Anyways I better go. ttyl.

I closed my diary and got off my bed with it. I lifted my mattress and put it underneath it. When I laid it back down, I heard a voice behind me.

" Whatcha hiding?" -Nathan asked.

" What? Did I hide something? I don't know what you are talking about." -I replied.

" Yeah, whatever dork. Ready?" -Nathan asked me.

" Yeah, just let me grab my bag." -I said with a small smile.

Nathan left my room, and I quickly lifted my mattress to grab my diary before he walked back into my room.

4 hours later**

The basketball team had a game in Pinkerton.
The game was going alright, but it seemed like Nathan and Lucas had it out for each other.

I was sitting out on the side line due to an arm injury.
I was in the zone while watching the game when I heard Lucas yell something to Nathan.
It snapped me out of my thoughts to pay attention to them.
All I saw was Nathan tackle Lucas to the ground, and they landed on Brooke's leg.

I got up and jogged over to them. They were still fighting. I tried grabbing Nathan's arm, but that got me elbowed in the face. I stumbled back.
Then I yelled.

" Lucas! Nathan! Knock it off!" -I yelled as loud as I could.

They both looked at me. Nathan saw my eye, it was red with a shade of purple.

By that time the referees got there, and got them off the court.

I walked off the court and went to the locker room.

I walked over to where my bag was sitting and opened it, I shoved some things around and found a pill bottle. I opened it and took 3 painkillers. I just want the pain I'm feeling to go away.

After the game finished we were all on the bus.
The painkillers started to kick in, but they weren't fully kicked in yet.
Whitey had the bus pulled over which caused everyone to sit up.

" Lucas Scott! Nathan Scott! Michelle Scott! On your feet! - Whitey yelled.

POV: 3rd Person

Lucas and Nathan hopped on their feet, and it got quiet on the bus.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02 ⏰

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