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White silk shirt, formal black pants that match the Dior jacket and shoes. Rolex in his right wrist, and that long Dolce & Gabanna coat, to protect himself from the cold and strong winds, a reminder of the hard winter just had passed. As he walked through the school hallways, Yoon Jaehyuk left behind that scent of Sauvage perfume.

One could say that was a day as any other, but actually, the red satin box he held in his right hand, made it quite clear it was a special day.

"Good morning, Jaehyuk." Some classmates happily greeted him, as soon as they saw him walk in to the classroom. Jaehyuk greeted them back, smiling at each of them, right until he saw her: the girl who owned his heart, and, if everything went according to plan that day, the owner of the gift he was carrying inside the satin box.

"Teume." He said as he stopped right in front of her. "Good morning."

Kim Teume replied back, same way as him: happily, with that smile brightening his face, her eyes shining. Doing his best to hide the red satin box, Yoon Jaehyuk offered his other hand, and with a wide movement, he asked:

"Would you care to join me? I would love to talk to you."

"S-sure." Was Teume's reply, visibly confused, but yet, trusting him completely.

Yoon Jaehyuk brushed his long fingers through her waist, and after that touch that lasted just a couple of seconds, he offered his arm to escort her through the school hallways.

"Were are we going?" Kim Teume asked, as they walked outside the classrooms building, and proceeded across the empty soccer field.

"I would love for our conversation to occur in private." Was Jaehyuk's answer.

They walked a couple of yards, in silence. When they finally stopped, they were at the edge of the soccer field, exactly next to a tree that hadn't lost its leafs during winter, where Jaehyuk finally let go of Teume's arm, and she had to hold on the impulse of lying against the tree trunk, and limit herself to stand there and wait, intertwining her fingers and fighting the urge to play with her thumbs.

"Okay." She said, yet unable to say anything else, she looked at how Jaehyuk proceeded to cover half of his face with his fist, clearly indication he was as nervous as her. "What was that you wanted to talk about?" Teume insisted, trying her best to lighten the mood.

"You know? There are times when, if I close my eyes, and I run my tongue between my lips, I can still taste the chocolate you gifted me for Valentine's Day. You made it, right?"

Teume nodded in silence. She wasn't expecting for Jaehyuk to remember he chocolate. Not when she knew she hadn't been the only one who had gifted him home made chocolate, last month.

"It's a taste I could get used to, if I'm being honest. So I think the least I can do, is to repay your kind gesture." Jaehyuk then proceeded to present the red satin box to Teume, a clear indication he was expecting her to accept the gift. "It's nothing compared to the effort and hard work you put when making something with your bare hands, but I still hope you like it."

Kim Teume took the box with both hands, and after making sure she was allowed to open it, a white gold bracelet shone right before her eyes.

"I can't accept it." She said in a shaky voice. After all, she didn't need to know a lot about jewelry to understand that piece involved several zeros in its price. "Jae..."

"Please, Teume." The boy insisted, and hurried to place his hand over hers, so she didn't push back the box to him. "Accept my gift, please."

"It's just too expensive, Jae." Now it was Teume the one who insisted, as she shook her head, clearly saying no. "I can't abuse your kindness this way."

"You're not abusing anything." He hurried to reply, as he took the bracelet out of the box, offering it to Teume, who tried her best to not look at the expensive jewelry, and instead look at him. "Please don't think I'm trying to buy your love, but this is the best way I have to show you how much you mean to me. So please, accept it. Accepting the bracelet means you accept my feelings. Please." He added in a longing whisper. "Please accept my feelings for you..."

"Jaehyuk, I..."

But Teume had no more excuses to give him. Haven't been that the exact same reason she had gifted him home made chocolate for Valentine's Day? It had been her way to confess her feelings for Yoon Jaehyuk. And now that Yoon Jaehyuk had confessed his feelings for her, was Kim Teume going to reject him, only because his way to confess it involved a lot of money?

"I don't like you because of your money." She insisted once again, as she, still doing her best to not look at the bracelet, slowly offered her hand, clearly indicating he was allowed to place it on her. "I just want to make that clear." She added as firmly as she could.

"That's crystal clear for me." Jaehyuk replied, proceeding to put her bracelet in her wrist, as he couldn't help but smile, visibly excited. "Although I hope you would accept this and all the other gifts I'm planning to give you."


But that warmth touch when Yooon Jaehyuk intertwined his fingers with hers, made her words turn into a whisper, that slowly faded into silence.

"I like you a lot, Teume." The boy whispered, holding her hand, and placing a small, soft kiss in the tip of her fingers. "I really like you."

When Yoon Jaehyuk leaned over Kim Teume to claim her first kiss, it was both of them who cleared their minds from any other excuse or thought that wasn't utter happiness.

When Yoon Jaehyuk leaned over Kim Teume to claim her first kiss, it was both of them who cleared their minds from any other excuse or thought that wasn't utter happiness

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