𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏: 𝐉𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐎𝐥𝐝 𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐬

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"In your eyes, I find my solace
In your touch, I feel my bliss
In your love, I see my future
Forever with you, my heart is at peace"

"In your eyes, I find my solaceIn your touch, I feel my blissIn your love, I see my futureForever with you, my heart is at peace"

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I am getting ready to leave work and go home when my little sister calls me and orders me to get us momos from our usual place. Ofcourse I don't say no, because that's what we bigger siblings are for, To buy them something or the other.

I swipe my card against the exit gate. and exit the big building, slightly happy after a long time. today was a good day, my boss praised me for my hard work and completion on time.

I catch one of those local yellow Mumbian taxis and take a drop near Churchgate. I go to my favorite bookshop and buy the books that have been on my tbr forever. Then after that, I walk and walk and get 2 plates of momos packed.

After paying, I catch another cab and give him the address to my house more like hell but at least I have somewhere to live. I mean my salary is not bad, and I can afford a house. but I feel alone without my little sisters there to bug me and for me to take them shopping.

I walk into the house, straight into my and my sister's room. Yes, we share a room because she is an 18-year-old college girl who is scared of sleeping alone. Anyways, we talk our usual and call my cousin sister Samriddhi to our room so that we can have momos without anyone knowing.

As soon as she enters the room, the room gets filled with giggles and pillow fights and dibs. I love my sisters to death and I am a very protective sister. I threatened all my sister's boyfriends to hell and back, to make sure that they never break their hearts. I would literally kill them If they break my lil sister's heart.

Even though I have never been in a relationship myself, I know when someone is right for you. And my sister's boyfriends love them so much, that I feel jealous sometimes. Yes, you guessed it right I am a hopeless romantic who is single and loves to read romance books and paint as time pass.

It was soon 8 PM and we all went downstairs for dinner. all the family members were sitting at the table today, for some reason, usually my grandparents take dinner in their rooms. We three took are places as the servants set our food on the table. in a minute we all started eating.

My dad cleared his throat and we all looked towards him. and in a firm voice, he said "Nyesa is to be married to Ayaan Kumar. Tomorrow the family is coming over to finalize the date of the marriage" That's when my whole body froze and I ran from the dining room to my room.

He said he would do it and he did it. I knew he would do it, I knew it, Mom. I knew what kind of father he was all along, I knew he would marry me off someday. I hate myself. the only reason why I am still alive is because of my sisters. my parents have never really loved me, and I understand why I am not so special, in fact, I am nothing.

I don't have a fancy job, I am not the smartest person, I might be the ugliest in the family and I am short. I don't want to marry someone who won't even like me for who I am. Then I will be stuck in a marriage without love and respect just like my parents.

Why god, why me? what did I ever do to you? I tried to be the best, but you always gave me the worst, but you know what, up until now I was a hopeful person. Someday I will find someone who loves me for who I am and makes me love myself. But now as I knew I had to do, I would have to be stuck in a marriage.

My mom came to the room and tried to explain, how Dad wants to amalgamate his company with Kumar Industries and marry their heir to you, so he can finally retire. But I was just too tired I just nodded not saying anything after she left. Just two minutes after my confidant, my best friend Sweety (short for Samriddhi) enters the room and I just burst into absolute tears.

"What should I do to make my parents proud? all I want is to make my parents proud. If me marrying a stranger makes them happy then I will marry the guy. How bad can it be?"

"NeNe, listen to me if you don't want to do this we can run away. I still have our runaway plan we made when we were 18 stashed away. If you don't want to do this, then don't. He will force you into this I know it. I have seen how uncle is. Please please don't cry. I don't like it when you cry." she whispers hugging me tightly to herself.

Just like that, the night passed by, both of my sisters comforting me and us falling asleep in the same bed just like in old times.

Just like that, the night passed by, both of my sisters comforting me and us falling asleep in the same bed just like in old times

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