002. ━ seattle grace mercy west

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season six // episodes five and six[ seattle grace mercy west ]

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season six // episodes five and six
[ seattle grace mercy west ]

❝Let's go before they have more
reason to hate us.❞

THE TWO STARED at each other for what seemed like an eternity. Derek watched from the nurse's station, unsure of what to do. Without a sound, he quickly slipped away, neither of the siblings noticing his disappearance.

Mark cleared his throat. "So... when did you get in?"

"What?" Ellie asked, furrowing her brow.

"From New York," he clarified. "What time did your flight get in?"

Ellie stared at him for a moment before scoffing. "Wow. You're that out of the loop, are you? I've been in Seattle since my intern year. You know, when you had an affair with Addison and broke up their marriage. I fled to Seattle. I guess you did the same. You would know that if you called."

"It's not my fault," Mark defended with a frown. "The last time we talked, you were yelling at me and throwing your shoe at my head."

"Yeah, because you were an idiot! He was your best friend, Mark. Your best friend! And yeah, Addison was to blame also, but you could have stopped it!"

"Derek's forgiven me. Why can't you?" he asked.

Ellie sighed, running a hand through her blonde locks. "Because you ruined more than one life that night. If you'll excuse me, I'm going to find the resident's lounge."


"No! It's my first day, Mark. Just let me settle in."

With a huff, she turned on her heel and followed the other surgeons in blue and orange scrubs up to the third floor. She found April and Reed in the corner, already putting their stuff away. She dropped her stuff in the locker with a groan. Her two best friends looked at her in concern. "Ellie? Are you okay?"

"Fine, just fine," she replied, not looking up. "Why do you ask?"

April shrugged sheepishly. "No reason. You just seem on edge is all."

"Oh, yeah, that's because I saw my brother," she replied, continuing to unpack her bag. "The brother who I haven't talked to in two years."

"Do you want to talk about it?" Reed asked her and Ellie shook her head, pulling out an apple.

"Nope," she said, popping the 'p'.

April sighed and focused back on her notebook as Reed continued to put her stuff in a locker. A woman with short blonde hair looked over. "Oh, hey. You can't put that in there."

"Oh, they told us to grab a cubby," Reed told her.

"Yeah, I know," the woman replied with a sigh. "It's just... we keep it empty for a reason. Can you just take your stuff out? There are some empty ones over there you can use."

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