Chapter Twenty Seven

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They all stared up at where he had been, startled. Lincoln broke the silence.

"How's the nose?"

"It's been better but I think he accidentally put it back in its place." She removed her hands from her face to show Lincoln and he nodded. "Taadaa?" She sounded like she had a blocked nose but that was no surprise considering it had been broken twice now, the second time conveniently putting it back in its place.

Marissa got to her feet and went over to the bars and leaned on the cool metal, eyeing the gap Daniel had made. She looked at the boys and took them in. They were a little worse for wear- Jax's eyes were dark and one was swollen, a trail of dried blood down his face. Lincoln had a nasty slice going down his face, starting from his eyebrow and down to his mouth, narrowly missing his right eye. Despite how fresh it looked, the blood was dry.

"I have a lot of questions right now but the main one is what the fu-." Jax started to say before there was a loud clang that echoed through the room. The three of them looked up and stood, startled for a moment before a slot in the ceiling opened up and the three of them found themselves drenched in water.

Marissa spluttered as the water hit her face first, soaking her immediately. She moved out of the way of the running water and turned to see that Jax and Lincoln were watching their own water streams fall from the roof. They looked at each other again.

"You wanna try that question again?" Marissa yelled over the roaring water. It was like standing under a waterfall, the water deafening. She saw Jax mouth something which she could only assume was the same thing he was saying earlier. Marissa looked down at the water on the ground and swore. The water wasn't draining from the floor, it was in fact rising up around them. She looked over and Lincoln and saw that he had realized that as well and looked like he was about to hyperventilate. Water. He hated water. And now he was having to live his worst fear.


She yelled his name and waded through the water to get to him but she fell forward, her foot catching on something in her cell. The water, which was rising faster with all the waterfalls running, went over her head and Marissa barely managed to get a gulp of air before she was plunged under. She held what breath she had left and tried to turn around, see what had grabbed her by the foot. Because Daniel had left the light on and the cells were relatively clean, she could see everything as she whirled around. At first, it looked like there was nothing here but as she narrowed her eyes and pulled at her foot, trying to break free from whatever it was she was caught on, a near translucent arm appeared as she kicked. Her eyes went wide in shock as there was a ripple effect from the area she had kicked, slowly revealing a humanoid creature snarling at her while holding her in place. Her lungs were beginning to burn as she kicked harder, struggling to make the creature relinquish its grasp on her. An air bubble slipped between her lips as she fought. With her free leg, she managed to kick at the creatures face just as it blended in with the water again, almost completely invisible. Her foot made contact and it gave a gurgled scream in pain, releasing her foot as its body rippled into view. It was definitely some kind of human but it also wasn't. However, Marissa was not totally interested in studying the thing that looked it wanted to eat her. Pulling her legs towards her, she pushed herself to the ground and then pushed up, aiming for the top of the water. Her head hit the roof with a silent thud and she winced. She turned around, felling for any gaps. The water had totally flooded the cells now. She swum over to the bars and tried to stick her arm through, looking for any sign of Lincoln. Much to her surprise, her hand struck something hard and cold, a barrier having appeared at some point. It was about as translucent as her creature but she couldn't see through it. Like a window but not. Marissa let out another air bubble and tried to ignore the pain in her chest. It wasn't as bad as she thought it should've been but once again, that was the least of her problems.

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