Chapter Twenty

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They had the windows down as Jax sped the Nightmare through the streets of Old New York, winding in and out of the cars the littered the roads. Marissa sat in the back, holding on to the safety bar handle that was attached to the roof.

Daniel was in the front seat with the map open on his legs, studying it as Jax swerved to avoid something that was crossing the road. Marissa tightened her grip on the bar and wiggled herself further into her seat. Lincoln had drawn the short straw and had somehow ended up in the middle, Ellie Rae sitting next to the other door with the wind blowing through her hair. She seemed to be enjoying the cool air.

"You good there?" Lincoln looked at Marissa, seeing that she had somewhat pushed herself into her seat and into him. She looked up and nodded, looking a little green as she nodded to him.

"Hold on!" Jax yelled out of nowhere. The gang looked up and out the windscreen. Marissa went pale and grabbed Lincolns arm with her free hand. His eyes were wide as he took in the outside view.

The direction in which they were going led them to a bridge. The only problem was the bridge didn't have a middle connecting the two sides together anymore.

And they were going too fast to slow down.

"If this is how we die, I just want to say I'm really sorry for being a dick, Mar." Lincoln said as he squeezed his eyes shut. Marissa was too freaked out to say anything or to close her eyes. Instead, she watched as a maniacal Jax pressed a few buttons and the car turned into truck size as he pressed the accelerator even further as they came up to the edge. Ellie Rae appeared to be fine, thoroughly enjoying the rush as they came to the edge of the road.

Marissa didn't know what Jax did but one minute, they had all four wheels on the road and the next, they were flying through the air, sailing towards the other side. She didn't dare look down for fear of if she did, that would be the reason why they wouldn't make it across.

And then the hit the other side. Jax gave a yell, adrenaline clearly pumping through him as he brought the car down safely on the road and put it back into car mode. Marissa saw Daniel say something and Jax looked at him, a tinge of disappointment on his face. The car started slowing down and Jax put her to a stop.

Daniel was out the minute Jax cut the engine and ran over to a rubbish bin and immediately began to throw up. Jax snorted.

"Weak." He turned around to look at his friends who were sat in the back. "Wasn't that AWESOME?!" Ellie Rae actually giggled as she got out the car, gone to go check on Daniel who was retching now. Jax looked at Marissa and Lincoln.

"Don't either of you dare throw up in this car."

"Wasn't planning on it." Lincoln said, barely managing to get the words out. He looked at Marissa then down at her hand that was securely attached to his arm. Her knuckles were white from how tight she was holding on to him.

"You can let go now." Marissa looked up at him in-comprehensively. "I can't feel my arm." She looked down and saw the grip she had on him and let him go.

"I need.. I need to take a walk."

"Gonna throw up?" She looked at Jax, eyes wide.


"Then take a walk! You too, Lincoln. I don't need you to hurt another car of mine." Lincoln shook his head at Jax and shuffled along the seats to go out Ellie Rae's door. Marissa shakily opened hers and clambered out, legs wobbling under her. She shook her head, stomach rolling. This combined with her concussion was not helpful in anyway whatsoever. She looked over to where Daniel was now sitting at the base of the trashcan with Ellie Rae.

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