Raven's wing

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Olivia walked the wooden haven she called home. The smell of fresh earth recently turned hung heavy in the air.
"The mushroom hunters have been through here." She chuckled as she took a seat under a huge old oak. She looked up at the blue sky and watched the clouds, "Mmm I should take a flight and see if anything is worth bring home."
Olivia stood and stretched her arms and closed her eyes letting her bird come forward.
Where once a curvy blue eyed raven haired girl stood a large silver eyed raven clawed and took flight.
Olivia smiled as she soared above her forest. Cedar Pines state forest had become her refuge after she lost her flock....
She struggled to understand how people could be so cruel. She was just a fledgling at the time; just learning to control her shift and how to fly. Her family lived in an all shifter town.
One day men dressed in white robes came through the small town and began killing everyone. Olivia hid in a tree with her mother, "Momma who are they?"
Her mother tried to sooth her, "Hush baby... Don't say a word."
So they sat in a tree as men slaughtered their family friends and neighbors.
Once night fell her mother made her stay in the tree while she looked for any survivors, but they were the only ones.
"Momma who were those men?"
Her mother shook her head, "Baby I wish I had an easy answer... There are people in this world who will hate you because you can shift and they can't. Always be careful who you share your raven with."
Her mother had gathered up everything she could before setting the small community a blaze, "May the gods carry your souls to the after life on strong wings "
They traveled a long time until her mother had gotten sick, "I'm sorry my sweet girl; you're going to have to go on alone."
So at the tender age of 16 Olivia was on her own. She picked up odd jobs here and there to make ends meet.
Sometimes she'd take advantage of being a raven shifter and pick a pocket.
Olivia laughed at the memory of the first few attempts, but she got better.
She saved up what she could and put herself through nursing school and got a job as an on site nurse for Cedar Pines state park.
She loved the job and it came with it's own cabin. She circled once then twice before landing at her front door and hopping through the "bird" door to shift.
"All quiet on the western front." Olivia mumbled to herself as she poured herself some juice and going to sit on her back porch.

Deeper in the forest a low wolf howl echoed......

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