8. Once Mother Finds Out, Its Over

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Sunshine peaked through the curtains of the room I was in, I was sprawled out across this oversized bed and only then was I reminded of what happened last night. I shot up from the bed and covered my mouth with my hand in shock, "oh my."

I rode his thigh like a bitch in heat and holy hell did it feel great!

Then afterwards he helped me change and snuggled with me in bed, my heart fluttered within me. The younger version of myself was jumping up and down hysterically because this is the man I had been waiting for.

I rubbed my eyes with the palms of my hands, trying to fully wake up. That was the best sleep I have ever had, I slept like a baby and didn't wake up once during the night, not once! I could probably sleep that exact same way on a pile of rocks as long as I was in his arms.

I looked to the side of me and realized he was gone. My shoulders slumped and I sighed, I know he has alpha duties and all but is he really going to leave this early in the morning everyday for the rest of our lives?

I shook the thought out of my head and made my way out of bed, I need a shower, urgently. I took the chance to analyze his room, I couldn't see shit last night so now this was my chance.

The walls were painted as a creamy white color, similar to the kind in the hallways, while his bed was beige with white pillows, I looked around more and my eyes landed on the chair i orgasmed on, it was tall, white and gave me butterflies just by looking at it.

I squeezed my hands into fists and walked into the bathroom, it was even bigger than the one in my room, obviously, because it was made to suit a king.

The only downside to this bathroom was that it had no shower. Just one white, oversized bathtub with golden legs propping it up, i shrugged and turned on the water, letting it fill up slowly.

While waiting I decided to skim through his closet, it was filled to the brim with neutral colored clothes, along with suits and watches that looked more expensive than my existence. I lifted one of the shirts and brought it to my nose, inhaling it's scent of him, it was faint but it was there and that's all that mattered.

By the time I was done stalking his closet the bath was ready for me, I turned off the water, found the nearest bottle of soap and dumped a ton in there. What can i say? It's been awhile since I've had a bubble bath.

As soon as the tub was up to my standards I grabbed a hair tie that was around my wrist and tied my hair up, I rid myself of his shirt and settled into the warm bubbly water. I groaned in relief as I immediately felt my muscles relax in the water, and was reminded of Alessandro and I's encounter in the hot tub two days ago.

We had only just started touching each other but it was like he knew everywhere to kiss, every button to press to make me melt against him.

But on the darker side, he knew every button to press to make me want to bang my head against a brick wall. I rolled my eyes at the thought and began to scrub my body with my hand, I closed my eyes and began to relive last night in my head.

When I finished I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my body, walking up to the nearest mirror I noticed my neck was scattered with purple and dark red marks. "Oh fuck." I groaned and leaned closer to the mirror, investigating the marks.

The faint sound of the door opening echoed in the room, I heard him set something down before he made his way into the bathroom with me.

He stood behind me, not close enough to be touching but close enough where I could feel his body heat, he looked down at me through the mirror with a sinful gaze, making me squirm in the awkward silence.

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