1. Welcome Back, Bitch

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You know, I never really enjoyed riding on planes. Being hundreds of feet up in the air, in a tight place with random people, is not my thing. But as I lean my head up against the oval-shaped glass and stared below me at the clean, white clouds I rethought my opinion.

Halfway through my sightseeing, the plane shakes, knocking my head up against the glass.

Nah, never mind.

"Shit," I whispered and rubbed my forehead which was red at this point, was that my warning to go back to New York? I groaned and checked my hand to make sure the wound wasn't bleeding and, of course, it wasn't. By now it was probably already halfway healed.

I forget I come from a long line of werewolves that can heal rather quickly. Idiot. Being around so many humans has changed me for the worst. Although that isn't my exact reasoning for wanting to return to Greenmore, hopefully, I would reap benefits from it.

Mama and Papa had been bugging me about coming home to visit for months. Telling me the pack missed me and it hadn't been the same without me since I left to live in New York.

I left seven years ago, when I was fifteen to live in a rigorous, but elegant, private school. My father insisted that was the school I attend, it was only fit for the Beta's only daughter. And oh boy, did it alter my life. I surrounded myself with the wrong humans, to say the least. Mean girls, if you will. They had money, they had fun, they had expensive things and that was all I needed to be persuaded.

The girls allowed me into their personal experience with you circle and taught me their rich girls' ways. How to walk, talk and act around boys. I was a natural. Human boys were easy to flirt with, I didn't have to worry about if they had a mate or not, they were free for use.

Even the ones that were bound to others by marriage.

Of course, I didn't sleep with them, the majority of them I just flirted with, got a few fancy things, and moved on. For others, I fooled around a little, never actually taking that final leap. I vowed not to sleep with any human men, I know how they act. They acted like children and didn't know how to appreciate an exquisite she-wolf such as myself.

That 'personal' group that I mentioned before, screwed me over as soon as I began to form a personality of my own, one that didn't revolve around them. I grew up with them, learned from them and they left me because of jealousy. Their protégé.

The only true friend I had left was Akira, a dark-skinned, curly-headed, 5'9 goddess. She inspired me to act the way I do, she's like an older sister to me. I was upset that she couldn't tag along on this trip but, this was just a personal family thing and humans were typically frowned upon in Greenmore anyways.

Akira understood that she couldn't come, and said these exact words, "Viv. You haven't seen your family since like— three Christmases ago, don't be a shallow bitch. Go see them."

I let out a subtle laugh in memory of her words and pushed myself out of deep thought, tapping on the iPad-looking screen attached to the back of the seat ahead of me, looking to see how much longer I had left on this death plane.

I let out a sigh of relief when I saw 'one hour and five minutes remaining' typed out on the screen along with a tiny map, showing our progress so far.

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