Chapter 2

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A Twilight Twist: Depressed

Chapter 2

Edward’s POV

I was sitting in my room. All alone. I usually separate myself from my family when they are all together. I’m the one left out. Carlisle has Esme, Rosalie has Emmett, and Alice has Jasper. Me? I have no one.

There was a knock on my door. I already knew who it was, and what they wanted. The advantages of being able to read minds comes in handy, but is also abominable.

“Alice, what do you want?” I asked her, my voice hostile.

“Edward? Please, don’t be mad at all of us. Will you come hunting? Please?” She said, begging. Please Edward! It will make Esme happy. You’ve been locked in your room for so long. She misses her son... please?

“Fine, Alice.” I said, giving up. I didn’t want to make Esme feel bad. Alice squealed in delight and ran down the steps to tell everyone else.

Everyone's thoughts were happy.

I slowly got up from where I was sitting and took my time walking to the door and down the stairs.


We were on our way back. Emmett and Jasper had a competition going. They competed to see who could get the most animals. Edward? How about you join in one last game to see who can get the biggest animal? Emmett’s thoughts were challenging me. If I didn’t do this he would annoy me until I agreed to do something. I nodded quickly.

“Go ahead, guys. We are all going back, so we will see you at home.” Alice told us, waving us away. Jasper, Emmett, and I turned around and headed deeper into the forest.

As soon as we got in a decent spot we stopped. I was just about to let my senses take over when I smelt it. Human blood. The blood’s smell was like no other. It smelled delicious. The smell was addicting.

I held my breath as I looked at my brothers. Emmett was looking around, surprised. He was holding his breath as well. I listened to his thoughts. Why is there a human all the way out here? He was asking me. Emmett’s thoughts were focused very little on the blood, but what I got from it, the blood smelled like any other human’s blood, just a little sweeter -- why was it so intensified for me?

When I looked at Jasper, I got a little nervous. He had already let his senses take over and he was just about to run towards the source of the blood. His thoughts were centered completely on the blood, but just like Emmett’s the blood smelled like normal.

Why was the blood so different to me, than it is to them?

Jasper looked at me, his eyes the darkest black. I stared back at him, waiting for him to make a move. As soon as he did me and Emmett will have to get him under control. Before he does anything he will later regret.

Emmett looked towards me, but I kept my eyes locked on Jasper’s. I could see Emmett nod in my peripheral vision. Jasper let out a breath and went to take a step, but I already knew what he was planning.

I nodded slightly at Emmett and he moved to the side just as Jasper did. Emmett managed to grab hold of one of Jasper’s arms. I went to help, but just as I got there Jasper yanked his arm away from Emmett.

Emmett cursed under his breath and started running after a fleeing Jasper. I followed, listening to Jasper’s thoughts, figuring out his next step before it was even clearly processed through his head.

With every step we got closer and closer to the source of blood. The smell was washing over me. There was also another scent that started to peek through the overwhelming scent of the blood. Again, with every step that hidden smell became more and more profound.

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