The Slithering Teaser & The Teased Tsundere pt. 4

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     "Talk too him."

     Those were the only three words that have rinsed and repeat in her head ever since Agent Doom's trip to the grocery store with her three friends yesterday. She was currently in her lab setting up a bunch of science equipment on the table by her talons, which was a difficult task since she couldn't fly anywhere at the moment, even if she needed a tool that was beyond her reach. Her and Milton were suppose to work on a special project together, but he ended up getting sick instead.

     Doom groaned when she accidentally dropped a pair of pliers on the ground. She peered over the edge of the table she stood on, and looked at the cast that was wrapped around her wing. She glared at it. And somehow, the damn Dino's sickness, costed her a broken wing . . . .


"Ah! Ahh! AHHHH—!"

"Wait, no, Milton, don't—!"


The huge impact of Milton's tremendous sneeze, made the small bird fly right into a wall behind her against her will. Sharp pain inflicted on her back as she luckily crashed to the carpeted floor. Joy could've sworn she heard one of her bones break as more pain wrenched throughout her feathery body. Doom squawked in agony, one of her talons twitched. "Ouch. I don't think I can feel my pubis. . . ," Doom hoarsely whimpered to herself.

Noticing what he accidentally did, the large raptor gasped and covered his mouth. "Oh my goodness! I am so sorry, Joy—I mean, Doom! Please pardon my ignorance! You know I'm extremely—" He turned his head the other way to let out a fit of roaring coughs to the other side. Milton grabbed a tissue next to his large bed, and blew his nose holes. In a hoarse, sickly voice, he says. "Ugh . . . I'm sorry, dear . . . I guess this means you're gonna have to complete this project for your snake boyfriend without me . . ."


     Doom tried to fly to the anthropomorphic dinosaur to tell him off, but that attempt only earned her a sharp pain in her right wing instead. She gripped it with her other wing as she hissed in pain. Her teeth gritted irritably as Agent KittyKat unexpectedly walked into Milton's room with a questionable gaze.

     "What the hell is going on here—," the slim, antro panther gal, spotted an aching crow on the floor. She gasped, and quickly moved towards her. "Oh my god! Doom, are you alright?!"

Does it look like I'm alright?

The female crow shook her head, wincing. She held her broken, feathery arm to her chest, as if her own touch can somehow apply any numbness to the thundering pain beneath her dark feathers. Milton sputtered a lot of apologies with a runny nose as Pam gently scooped the small bird in her paws, and immediately rushed her to the infirmary.


     Agent Doom sighed. Even though she was thankful for her panther friend appending a cast on her wing, she was also pissed to know that she can't remove it until three to four weeks pass by, which Joy was fully aware of considering she was very knowledgeable about biology as well she is with bio-engineering.

     Although, a broken wing with two talons to only rely on as a set of both hands and feet, is going to be a lot more tricky since she wouldn't be able to use her other wing to fly. However, she was still determined to produce the invention she was going to give to Snake for his upcoming birthday this month. Yes, that's right. His birthday will be up in a matter of fourteen days, and she's incredibly determined to finish this project just in time to surprise him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2023 ⏰

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