• fallen out•

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Two weeks passed by...

" i see your back early "- teased April her brothers " shut up! Begin in a place full with stupid people isn't fun "-complained damian before throwing his shoes away earning a scolding' from Alfred " master damian I insist on you removing your shoes its not polite to throw while others are with you " " ok whatever "- the boy stomped his way to his room " hes frustrated because some group of women kept wanting to baby him saying hes cute and stuff"- laughed daniel " it must be sucks to be the youngest boy and a short one to add " " dont be rude to him ian "- warned bruce drinking some water " we will go on patrol on 8 be prepared kiddos "- he left his children and headed to the bat cave below .

Bruce was so busy having a online conversation with clark and barb that he didn't even notice his daughter fixing her motorcycle wheel until a thud was heard that caused him to turn around " are you ok sweetheart?"- he asked concerned " you should've asked jason or tim for help. Those wheels are heavy " - he slowly walked to her after ending the call " here let me help "- the batman began to re place the wheel and screw it tight in its rightful position " here you go .. tell your siblings to be ready the bat signal was lighten up and the screens shows three criminal chaos " " ok dad .. im already wearing my dawn wing suit "- smirked the girl gently but not knowing that she didn't tie her hair yet " you were surly busy that you forgot this"- joked bruce while helping her tie her hair " anddd done ".

On patrol ...

Red robin and night wing took down most of the freaks while dawn wing and batman with red hood decided to investigate the clues that have been found around the sites   " batman .. it seems that the penguin is caused this "  - said dawn wing  "  but why the freaks are helping him? Dont they follow the joker himself?"- wondered robin  " guess the two are allies "- batman replied  scanning the blood prints on the wall  " we have to go and examine this at the batcave or the belfry  "  " im tried lets go to the bat cave  super man is already there waiting.. i forget to tell you"- said robin

Time skip>>

Alfred pov:
I  went to wake up the kids for their collage/ school  as usual and to my surprise  master daniel bed was empty his  black checkered suitcase was gone too? What happened last night that i did not know about?.. i should tell master bruce immediately , i went to his door and knocked  " master Bruce, this is urgent can i come in?"- i asked hoping that he hadn't leave for work early  then the door opened revealing him fully ready  " yes al? Is everything ok?"- he asked while doing his tie   " umm.. I think master Daniel has ran away , his clothes are gone and a suitcase too.. did anything happened late at night perhaps?"    " I should've seen this coming!"   "  pardon me sir .. what  happened last night?"  _ i asked agin not getting what he meant  " ill beat him to that Alfred.. daniel yesterday caused a scene after we took down some  criminals he was blinded by rage why? No one knows.. but me and dad witnessed him and tim having a big fight about a misunderstanding... tim punched him and he throw one of the blades at him  but thankfully dad stopped things from getting works and scolded the two .. till this"-  master Damian explained to me  "   Anyways.. breakfast is ready masters .. please dont leave the plates like two days ago".
<< end of alfred pov>>

"  good hes not here.. such a doneky kid "- mumbles tim under his breath eating the waffles   " arent you worried about him?"- asked April concerned  " hes 18! Almost 19 Sis ,just to remind you agin " " can we eat in peace please?!"- teased jason " shut up jay" - replied tim throwing a fork at his brother " No throwing!"- yelled Alfred from the kitchen " sorry al! Hehehee " " Hes in a bad mood definitely, right demon?"- whispered jason " I agree jason " - chuckled the young boy " opps well be late! Damian come on hurry up !"- April picked up her backpack and ran to the car " wait sis ! I am driving !!"- called out tim " then come on timmy! "- yelled the girl " ok ok! "- he headed to his car beside him is damian " whats your first class ?"- asked tim " mine is science.." " and you damon?" " history yuck" " glad i am in college "- teased tim .

When you think that your  loved ones will be back home and never expect things to go down hell ... your gonna be met with a huge heartbreak  , this is what happened with bruce wayne .. his two high school kids were  both injured as a result of a car crash  the driver made it out fine .. but the back part of the car was the most damaged part as the ambulance came they found the two clutching into each other unconscious , as for bruce he was at the company when he got the shocking call  //   At the hospital  the rest of the family waited anxiously staring at the er room  hoping nothing is going to happen to thier siblings  its had been 9 hours  already non had eaten yet or even had some rest  " dad.. you can go home we will  stay"- said jason with a shaky voice   " no you two go.. i wont leave until im sure they are safe!"- bruce was on the verge of breaking down  " has anyone called daniel?"- asked their father  " his cell phone is still off .. i think he might've seen the news .."- mumbled tim  , a doctor came out of the er  " umm mr wayne.... Im really sorry we tired our best but your son had fallen into a coma while your daughter  is out of danger.. but she might be traumatized I advise you to monitor her after discharge ". suddenly everything became blurry to bruce

A/N: Hehe got you there didnt i ?🤣 anyways back to the  story

" dad! Wake up ! "- yelled damian jumping on his father  " your sleeping too much "  - this made the poor man wake up startled with sweat visible  " am I dreaming?.. ugh I should've seen this coming I should've not watched that movie "- mumbled Bruce before hugging Damian  " i had a terrible dream... im so glad its not true .. I thought im gonna lose you and april "   " dont worry dad .. we are right here , now come on get up  we have a patrol to go on "- smirked damian  " but we already went... didnt we  ?"   " just get up!" .

Bruce headed downstairs seeing the lights are off  " why is the lights of  kiddos?  Seriously this is not funny " - he stepped inside the living room and out of nowhere " surprise! Happy birthday "- yelled happily his children and still without daniel   " why.. its not e—- oh right it is indeed my birthday "- he scratched the back of his head earning a ( are you serious) looks  " you forgot your own birthday!? Wow your really getting ol—- ouch! April!"- whines tim  " dont you dare call dad old! Hes still charming .. right daddy?"  " I guess your right sweetheart.. also thank you"  " blow of the candles please it's melting on the cake master Bruce "- said Alfred before Bruce blow off the candles  " happy now alfred?"  " very much master " - the kids started to laugh so hard and placed their gifts  " ok! Now i have to leave to meet my girl bye!"- jason smirked and left   " yay! More cake for me "  " oh no you won't damian! Its mine "- teased April  " yeah yeah whatever!"- damain sticked his tongue out. While Bruce just shook his head at his kids childishness.

End of chapter 9
To be continued..

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