• return of a forgotten•

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Bruce and his kids sat down for a movie night " master Bruce , would you like more tea?"- asked alfred " sure why not" " coming right up" " dami , whats wrong you so quiet today?"- whispered tim in his brother ear " i saw her"- whispered damian back " who?" " that lady you know who"- damian was clearly annoyed and hurt " does father know yet?" " no i don't think so.. but if that's really her then.. we should be ready for drama " - sighed damian " shes the reason richard died ... I remmber that day like a fresh memory "- whispered tim in a sad tone " poor guy he was so young to die ".

" hey clark why are you here ?" -Asked batman " bruce.. listen you wont like this at all... shes back.. " " who? .. barb? " " no not barb! Your ex wife .. maria"  " I should've known! When that text showed on my screen!"- hissed bruce as hes so mad  " i better warn alfred to not let anyone open the door for her "  " maybe shes here to take April.... Remember she wants her for her own good "-sighs clark  " i wont let her take my daughter or anyone of my kids I raised them for 10 years alone!  She left for that guy and then hurted jasons and tims feelings by telling them she doesn't want them anymore ... i will do anything to protect my family! No matter what"   " and ill help.. perhaps you should call for a family meeting? They have to know "   " i know .."  Bruce looked at the stairs  " KIDS COME DOWN!"- called out Bruce knowing his kids hates to be called kids   " dad! For the millionth time we are teens and adult!"- pouted daniel going down following him the others  " seriously dad? Kids? I thought you—- oh hi uncle clark "  " hi jay.. hows your lover?"   " shes fine.... Getting our weddings planned "   " whens the wedding?. Don't forget your old uncle "- joked clark  " oh come on your not old uncle clark "- smiled April hugged him  "  if your old then my dear father is old too"- teased the dawnwing  " sit down guys first i—-"   " we know dad , i saw her yesterday she tried to talk to me "- said damian  holding his brother jason hand  because he was worried  " its gonna be ok demon"- jason whispers in his ear  " if shes here to take you and April then she has to get thru us"  " if she somehow got your contact info don't answer her calls or texts .... I have a feeling that shes gonna walk till here "  " i dont know how your chose her instead of—-"  " shut up clark thats not the time "  " geez bruce i was trying to lighten up the mood "   " and you failed "- laughed Bruce.

" mmh spaghetti! N meatballs " " not now master damian ! Its for everyone "- said alfred sternly " but Al come on just a small amount...? Pretty please?" " no , wait for the others "- the butler left the boy alone not minding him any more " but it smells so good! " - pouted damian staring at the dish " what are you doing little demon " " ah! Jason you scared me !" " wait as alfred said you dont want to get him mad "-smirked the older brother " not you too!" Mean while Bruce was meeting with someone at a cafe near by ..// " bruce i want to get —-" " maria i told you already ! You have no rights to my kids anymore " " they are my kids too! I gave birth to them!" " that doesn't make you a truthful parent.. you killed your own child! To save yourself.. how selfish are you.. so no and don't you even dare get near them im warning you ms. Sallow "- bruce got up and left with clark " ill call my lawyer, she wont hear the court order "- sighs bruce " this is stressful more then I thought...." " how about having some drinks? Not till we are drunk tho duty still calls " " fine.. i dont see why not".

<< time skip>>

Daniel's pov :
I sat down on the outdoor bench drawing when i see my so called mother with a little boy i dont recognize I tried to ignore her and warn the others that shes out here but she came to me " danny! My boy how are you ? Do you miss me "- she asked i looked at her " why are you here , dad won't like this" " dont be harsh on me son ... i had m—-" " HOW DARE YOU SHOW UP HERE MaRiA" - yelled tim before telling me to go inside, but im worried that shes not unarmed i noticed a pistol hanging from her purse opening so i whispered in his ear " shes hiding a gun " he looked and nodded mentioning me to go and contact father before i left i heard jason asking about the kid thats with her and she answered without care that hes our step brother.. great!.
End of his pov>>

"U should leave i dont want you be seen by the others nor dad! " -shouted jason  " I heard your engaed congratulations "  " i dont need your congratulations! Your no one to me! To us! " - Jason noticed his father car " good hes here "  " i warned you didn't i! How dare you show up?! Its my property and your trespassing "  " bruce  i want my children back or else..!"  " or else what maria huh? "  " or else this!"- maria took out  the gun pointing it at bruce  " if your dead then later ill get their custody!"- smirked maria before her gun was kicked away by tim   " the police is here father.. i called then before you arrived "  " thanks timmy.. boys go inside don't scare your sister she's probably asleep "  " she is .. come on little bros "- smiled jason taking his brothers inside the house  " mr wayne.. im sorry that she tried to hurt you and you kids .. in fact my name is  thomas grant "  " thomas ? Is whos your father?"   " i dont know him .. but heard her saying his name was  Julian grant"  " ok .. sorry but do you have a family member?" - asked Bruce " yes that lady is just my adoptive mother .. my mom is in england "  .

" good shes in jail "- sighed jason flipping his ring  " i have a bad feeling.. i dont know but something' will happen "  " jay , you have to rest  your havent for days father like son "- smiled tim  " i will.. good night everyone "- jason headed to his room and texted his girl

J: hey , how's your day sorry haven't texted got caught in some issues
R: its ok jay jay, my day was good.. shouldn't you be resting? Saw the news you beating 10 criminals
J: i will, i was just checking on you .. love you good night..
R: love you too... good night j
J: ill tell you everything Tomorrow... bye🖤
R: bye <3

End of the chat

To be continued..
End of chapter 8

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