6|Queasy around blood

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Chapter 6
"Queasy around blood."

Auroras POV:

"Holy fuck," Corey muttered as we stared at the building behind the wire fence in front of us.

Holy fuck is right.

Imagine the most terrifying place you've ever been to, or even just seen.

Whatever you're thinking of, this place was 10 times worse.

"Now how the hell are we gonna get over this fence?" Corey sighed, smacking his head. "Climb?" Sam asked, thinking.

Sam pulled out the camera, filming the fence and then us.

"Brother," We all turned to look at Jake. "We're being stupid. We can just walk through, duh."

I rolled my eyes, walking over to the fence.

I walked maybe 50 feet to the left and right, trying to find holes or patches that we could get through, but I came up empty.

They had to have layered this fence at least 5 times, making it impossible to cut through.

"There's no holes, we gotta climb over." The boys groaned, pulling off their backpacks and tossing them over the 8 foot high fence. Sam on the other hand, kept his on, not wanting to break any of our gear.

"I'll go first," Sam placed one foot on the fence, testing the stability. Once I told him he was good, he started to climb.

"Be careful brother," Colby held Sam's leg, stopping him from getting cut on a wire.

After a minute or so, Sam finally made it over. He moved all of our bags so it would be easier for everyone else.

Corey went next, nearly breaking his ankle on the jump down. Jake was a little faster, but he fell flat on his face. "Nice one, fuckboat."

"Be careful please," Colby held out his hands so he could boost me up, which I appreciated. I climbed up slowly, watching my feet so I didn't fall.

Once I was nearly over, I felt something snag on my skin, paired with a burst of pain. I figured it was just a small cut from a peice of metal so I kept going.

Sam placed his hands respectfully above my waist, while Jake helped me down. Corey was filming everything.

Colby was definitely the quickest getting over, but he made it safe so that was all that mattered.

I've climbed my fare share of fences, but that one was definitely one of the hardest.

"Oh my god," Corey muttered, making all our attention go to him. "What?" Sam asked. He pointed down at something, making my eyebrows crease.

"Oh fuck," Colby cursed, walking over to me in seconds. "Love? Are you okay? Does it hurt?"

I was extremely confused now.

"What the fuck do you think? Of course it hurts " Sam exclaimed, setting the camera done on a rock.

My eyes traveled down, seeing my black leggings stained red.

There was an extra hole, reveling an extremely deep cut on the side of my upper calf.

I definitely felt it now.

"Oh dear god," I sucked in a breath, looking away from my blood covered leg. "Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck," Corey mumbled, pacing back and forth. I'm guessing he gets queasy around blood.

"It's fine, honestly. It's not that bad," I lied. Having 4 grown men freaking out about a cut when were stranded on a haunted island, would not end well

"Did anyone bring a first aid kit?" I looked at the boys. Sam looks to Colby, who nodded. "Can you grab it out of Colby's bag?" Sam asked, nodding to Jake. "Yeah sure."

"How bad does it hurt?" Colby was clearly worried. "It's really not bad, I promise," I smiled, trying to calm him down.

Sam walked over with some medical tape and a gause pad in his hands. "Do you want me to do it? Or..." He trailed off, looking at me. "I can do it," He handed me the supplies as I rolled up my leggings.

I have never been more happy to be wearing stretchy material.

I pushed the gause pad down on the cut, making me wince. I held my breath and kept pushing. Once I thought it was good, I wrapped the medical tape around it about 7 times. Corey pulled out a pair of long socks and handed them to me.

"Would these be good? Or is it better to keep it more uncovered?" He asked, keeping his eyes away from my leg.

I knew that I should really be letting it get some air, but we had a whole ass asylum, prison, hospital, and a fucking plague field to explore.

"Those are good thank you," he smiled nervously at me, moving back by Jake.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Colby knelt down beside me as I pulled off one of my dark brown, platform converse and pulled the sock over my other one. I did the same to my right leg so it looked less dumb.

"Yeah yeah I'll be fine," I told him genuinely. I've definitely had worse.

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