Chapter one (1)

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Finished for the day finally. Only two weeks left of school before summer brake. I cant wait. I walked to my car, or my parents car that i have borrowed, with my two best friends, Ava and Mia. "So any plans for the weekend y/n" Ava asked as she got in the back of the car and Mia the front. " No not really, My dad said we were going to have someone over but i don't know who" Ava nodded " Yeah well, me and Ava are going out on Saturday if u want to join.  Adam is going to be there" Mia said as she winked at me. 
I have had a bit of a crush on Adam but i don't think he likes me the same way.

"Thanks for letting me know, ill se if i can make it or not" I smiled as i now as parked outside of Ava's house. She lived in a orange house closest to school. "Well we talk later bye bye" She said blowing kisses to us "bye" me and Mia said and blow some kisses back.

after 10 minutes we where outside Mia's house " See u later Y/N" i smiled "see you" Mia lives in a small house whit a big garden. her mom love to plant vegetables and flowers. We always stay at Mia's house if we want to sleep outside in a tent because of the big area. 

I drove for 15 more minutes before i was home.  I then see a black VOLVO outside our house. I parked next to it. It took me a minute to realize who it was. ITS NOAH. My face burn's a bit. I have missed him a lot, but i haven't seen him for a long time. When i was 16 i started to feel a bit weird around him. He has always been nice to me but i started to feel something weird, so i stayed as far away as i could. But it wasn't easy he has always been by my side when i didn't feel like talking to my parents. 

I have a grate relationship with my parents, but they can be to mush some times, then its nice to talk to someone else. I walked in the door and took off my shoes and jacket. "Hello i'm home" I yell to whoever that is home "Hey Y/N we are in the kitchen" i laid my bag at the stairs and walked in to the kitchen. My mom and dad was there "Hey sweetie, how was your day" Dad said kissing the top off my head "It was good, i am so ready for the weekend" I smiled "That's good to hear" I walked over to mom who was making dinner. "What are you making mom, It smells good" I sniffed, She pushed me away "Its hot don't burn your nose, i am making Lasagna" "ooh your lasagna is the best mom" I smiled. My mom is the best cook in the universe.  "BTW is it Noah's car outside" "Yeah, he is staying here for a bit as he is moving" I looked at my dad, 'more info' "he got a new job here in the city so he is moving his things to the new houses down the street" 

i nodded "Well that's nice for you dad, you don't have many friends" I laughed "Hey i have a ton of friends" He took my head under his arm and messed up my hair. We both laughed "Well where is he then" I say as my dad let go of me " he should be here some place maybe in the guest room" i smiled and went up stairs to my room. i placed my backpack on my bed, i then went to the guest room and nocked, i didn't wait for a replay. I opened the door to see Noah in the phone with someone. He had his back to me. He was wearing black pants with a white t-shirt. He slowly turned around. i think i scared him. He gave me a smile and hold his hand up for me to wait. 

"yeah i understand. Mhhh. Yes ill talk to you tomorrow. bye" he then ended the phone call. "Princess Good to see you" He walked up to me with open arms. he gave me a hug. i took a deep breath and smelled his perfume.  He smelled really good. He has definitely been working out since the last time i saw with him. His big arms wrapped around me it felt nice. But my face was probably tomato red. he pulled back and smiled. "Its been a long time Noah" "yeah but here i am. you have grown so much since last time" I laughed "Yeah, could say the same about you" i looked at his arms and chest. "do you mean these" He then started posing, and flexing his arms. I just laughed " mmhh no i think they have gotten smaller" i said and crossed my arms. "no i think there is something wrong with your eyes" I looked at him "Because if they were smaller i couldn't do this" He then lifted me up. I hated to be lifted up. as a reflex i warped my legs and arms around him. 

(OK SO! in every story i read Y/N is always small and everything but u can imagine whatever u like. but i am gone write Y/N as a cubby not so skinny but lime (70kg) and she is normal 5'5) 

I haven't always been the skinniest person. but i wouldn't say im big. i do have a little stomach and a bit bigger tights then i would like, but i did have a pretty smal waistline. But everyone say i have curves and form. so it evens out. Noah's arms were really close to my ass. "Noah im not a little girl anymore, pleas put me down"  I held my head close to his chest. i could hear his heart beating. "Yes you are. your only 18 so small" He laughed. I did not find it funny "Pleas Noah let me down, its dinner now anyways" He did as i said, i just looked at the floor " Im sorry" he say. "Don't do it again" i looked at him. "let's go to dinner ey" He grabbed my arm as we both walked down the stairs. 

Noah is the type to forget and never mention again, He also hate when things get awkward. so he always try to make people happy again, trying to let them forget. I think its nice of him. 

We sat at the table my little brother Liam was sitting next to me. He had gotten Chicken nuggets. when we where finished my dad put on something for Liam to watch, as i helped mom cleaning up. Noah and dad had gotten a beer and was outside just chatting and having a good time. 

My mom wasn't a drinker. But dad had a few beer's now and then. I wasn't a real fan of drinking but, if i am out i drink one or two drinks. When me and mom finished she went out to dad and Noah. "Hey Liam should we go sleep now" I say as i pick him up. He is 5 years and don't really talk much, he is a late bloomer. i helped him brush his teeth and putting on the PJ. "ok go find a book and i can read it for you" He ran to his bookshelf. "I want this" he said. "Ok, jump in bed then" he did as i said. I started to read and after 15 minutes he was asleep. "good night baby" i said and kissed his forehead. I turned of his lamp, and walked out his room. 

I could hear mom, dad and Noah laughing. i went in to my bedroom and changed in to a white tank top and some loose gray night pants i also put on some pink fuzzy socks. I then walked out to the others. Mom and dad was sitting on the outside couch. mom had her legs over dads lap. They look like a new couple. Noah was sitting at the other end. They saw me and Noah moved closer to dad so i could sit down too. You could say i was now trapped in-between the couch end and Noah. "Did Liam go to sleep" mom asked. "Yeah he was tired tonight" she just nodded. Then a cold breeze hit us. mom, dad and Noah had warm clothes and i didn't. Noah noticed . he grabbed my legs and put them over his lap. he also took a blanket over me. 

"Thanks" i said, he just smiled and took another sip off his beer. his other hand has stroking my leg. and i swear it went higher and higher up each time, But not higher then my mid tight. Each time he stroke, i felt something in my stomach. it wasn't a bad feeling but i didn't like it so much.  I have had a similar feeling when i was with Adam once. 

But i like Adam, i don't like Noah, why would i have this feeling then. I closed my eyes, almost enjoying his touch. I didn't want to open my eyes, so i fell asleep. i don't think it was long before i woke up. i was still outside. I opened my eyes to se Noah just scrolling on his phone. Mom and dad must have gotten in. "good morning" Noah said not even looking up from his phone. i rubbed my eyes " What time is it" I stretched my legs. they where still on top of his lap. "The time is 1AM" i just laid back "when did mom and dad go inn" "About 30 minutes ago" he smiled he put his phone in his pocket. "well we should go inside its cold" he say. i didn't move " it so far to go" i joked. i always joke about being lazy but really im not. Noah just smiled. "fine ill help you then" he grabbed my lower back and under my thigh and lifted me on his lap, like i was a baby. 

I wrapped my arms around his neck as he started to stand up. "NOAH WHA-" he cut me off "Don't yell people are sleeping" he walked in the house "i told you not to lift me i'm not a baby" He just looked at me, not a smile or laugh. he opened his mouth but closed it again. I could smell the alcohol. "I was only joking, i can walk" he just walked and opened the door to my room. It was completely dark. without a warning he let me down. making me step wrong, and almost fall on the floor. he had a fast reflex and put his arm around my waist. "You sure you can walk, baby" the way he said it, it didn't sound as a joke. it sounded husky and deep. " Ur drunk Noah" i got out of his grip "Now go in to your room and get some sleep, u need it old man" I then started to push him out my room. and down too the guestroom, now his room  "Not an old man" He say. i pushed him in his room. I walked back to my room and laid on my bed, scrolling trough Tik Tok. after 30 minutes i fell asleep. 

My dad's bestfriend difficult love (FEMALE READER)Where stories live. Discover now