The Raging Bull

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Sitting in a mess; brooding while,

Your calm goes driven into rile.

Never crossed this since an age,

Which nastily summed up to be Rage....

O thou self; o thou Raging self,

You sulk, you cry.

Oppressed by a will,

And a suppressed try.

Holding it back, you deny.

Hauled by the strings like a catapult,

O'er the Majesty of the Raging Bull...

O thou self; o thou raging self.

Stomping ails, it mocks,

Leaving more of rage, and patience few.

Calm it you, mind it you,

You are not you in those socks.

Hauled by the strings like a catapult,

O'er these Majesty of the Raging Bull...

O thou self; o thou raging self.

Flies of folly, flicker around,

Buzzing the banal charm of disgrace sound.

Swat them, smack them, clip out their souls,

Not you can fill is the ruptured hole.

Hauled by the strings like a catapult,

O'er these Majesty of the Raging Bull...

O thou self; o thou raging self.

Need is what you love and care,

To scurry off this mild fair.

Clamber onto this magical hill,

Into the fields of pleasant daffodils.

O thou self hath found remedy!

Do, feel what you adore,

You are free, give thyself some more.

Get out, away till the fathoms reach.

You are nobody's, you are free...

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