Chapter 1: Abandoned (doors 1-10)

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Ruby grabbed at her older brother's arms, trying to get him to let go of her. he'd been painfully dragging her by the collar of her shirt for the past 20 minutes. they were in the middle of town, surrounded by people. soon, they arrived at an old hotel that has been abandoned for years.  Caleb lets go of Ruby's shirt causing her to fall and hit both her knees on the ground. by the time she got up, Caleb was gone. her only choice was to go inside the hotel. she pushed open the door and wound up in a room full of elevators. feeling nervous, she stepped into an elevator. the elevator door closed and music started playing. thirty seconds later, the elevator stopped and the door opened. Ruby stepped out of the elevator. she was in what looked like the reception room. there was a key hanging from a thumbtack on a bulletin board behind the desk. she didn't need to crawl under the luggage cart to get to it. she was more than short enough. Ruby walked up to the door, key in her hand. she stuck the key in the keyhole, trying to figure out how to use it. she turned the key and the door swung open. she started walking. around door 6, the lights flickered. a loud noise echoed through the room. something told Ruby that she had to hide. she dove into a closet and pulled the doors closed. the noise grew louder and louder until a cloud of black smoke rushed through the room. it stopped in front of her closet. she heard someone speak. " A child? what could a child be doing here of all places?" she slowly opened the closet door. " H-hello?" she said, trembling with fear. she slowly looked up. what she saw scared her a lot. it scared her more than her parents hitting her until she bled. she couldn't quite make out what it was, but it was all black, with a huge grin on its face.

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